NatureScot Commissioned Report 514: Remote sensing methodology: fieldwork and additional rule base development for Scottish upland habitats

This work is a continuation of three previous studies, Medcalf et al. (2011a), the GeoInformation Group (2011), and Brown et al. (2011), which outlined the potential for geoinformatic techniques and rule based approaches to use existing data to identify possible areas of upland Annex I habitat. The GeoInformation Group project developed a trial classification map for two study areas, one in Torridon and one in the Cairngorms. This project consisted of two parts, a field validation campaign of the mapping produced by the GeoInformaiton Group, and then a demonstration of how the results from the fieldwork can be fed back into the rule base for the Western study area.
Pages: 40
Published: 2012
NatureScot Commissioned Report 514
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