NatureScot Commissioned Report 501: The distribution of Priority Marine Features and MPA search features within Lochs Linnhe, Eil, Leven and Etive: a broadscale validation survey
Priority Marine Features (PMFs) are a collection of important habitats and species that have been identified by NatureScot and JNCC for nature conservation. With the implementation of the Marine (Scotland) Act 2010 and the UK Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009, Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) will be designated using information obtained from identified MPA search features. This study was designed to assess previously identified PMFs in the Loch Linnhe area, and to record instances of any new PMFs.
The survey area is located in north-west Scotland and extends from the northern entrance of the Firth of Lorn, west to the entrance of the Sound of Mull, fully through Lochs Etive, Linnhe & Leven, and up to Loch Eil by Corpach. Loch Creran is excluded from the survey area.
Pages: 254
Published: 2013
NatureScot Commissioned Report 501
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