NatureScot Commissioned Report 148: East Caithness Cliffs Special Protection Area (SPA) Site Condition Monitoring 2005
Plots set up in 1993 were used to enable long term monitoring of five seabird species (northern fulmar, European shag, common guillemot, razorbill and black-legged kittiwake) at three SSSIs (Duncansby Head, Craig Hammel to Sgaps Geo and Berriedale Cliffs) which contain the largest colonies of seabirds within the North Caithness Cliffs and East Caithness Cliffs SPAs. There are 30 species-specific plots and 15 colony plots, in four core areas: Berriedale cliffs, An Dun area, Ires Geo area and Skirza Head. All were re-surveyed in 1999 and as part of the second cycle of the site condition monitoring programme the plots were re-surveyed in June 2005.
Pages: 67
Published: 2012
NatureScot Commissioned Report 148
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