Hares and licensing NatureScot grant licences to control mountain hare throughout the year or brown hare in the closed season, but only for specific purposes. 12 Apr, 2017
Licensing forms and guidance Find the relevant licence application form, return form and guidance. 12 Jun, 2017
Online hub for Galloway National Park proposal An online hub has been set up to share news, information and a space for conversation. News - 10 Sept
Transforming derelict land Kerry Wallace highlights some examples of how derelict land is being reused and explores the benefits, for both nature and people. Blog - 04 October
Appeal to help track greylag geese People in Orkney and north-east Scotland are being asked to look out for greylag geese with special GPS collars. News - 5 September
Rediscovering the Lost Woods of Scotland Roddy Maclean reports on research using place-names to highlight past locations of trees and woodland. Blog - 30 September
Scotland’s Forgotten Woodlands Mapping stories and restoration potential of Scotland’s forgotten woodland sites. News - 30 August
A’ Dèanamh Ath-Lorg air na Coilltean Caillte Tha Ruairidh MacIlleathain ag aithris air pròiseact a tha a’ taisbeanadh ainmean-àite co-cheangailte ri craobhan is coilltean. Blog - 30 September