Beavers in Scotland Visit our beavers in Scotland landing page to navigate to all beaver related advice and resources.
Beavers and Licensing The beaver is a European protected species, fully protected under the Conservation (Natural Habitats, &c.) Regulations 1994 (as amended).
Scotland's Flow Country latest The red carpet will be rolled out across Scotland next week for one of the UK’s wildest living landscapes. News - 23 January
2025 montane bird survey needs you! Are you interested in helping to monitor the impacts of climate change on birds? Blog - 17 January
Naidheachd Dhùthaich nam Boglaichean Dùthaich nam Boglaichean ga comharrachadh aig cùirm shònraichte. News - 23 January
New beginnings The first week of the new year finds Forvie NNR staff looking ahead with excitement, anticipation and no little trepidation. Blog - 05 January
Rocky shore study published The report investigated changes in over 50 species at 167 locations around Scotland's coasts over the last decade. News - 22 January
Scotland’s 2024 Nature Heroes We are celebrating the people across Scotland who are working hard to improve nature, from farmers to volunteers – to dogs! Blog - 28 December