A nature-rich future for Scotland

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Brendan Paddy from Ramblers Scotland standing on grassy area with sea in background

Our shared outdoors: Ramblers Scotland on 20 years of access rights and responsibilities

Join our latest podcast as we mark two decades of Scotland's pioneering access rights and responsibilities, with Brendan Paddy, Director of Ramblers Scotland.

Brendan explains the basics of the Scottish Outdoor Access Code and shares how these rights have transformed our connection with nature, boosting personal wellbeing and local economies alike.

Don't allow your dog to approach animals or people uninvited. Always keep your dog in sight and under control. If in doubt use a lead

Outdoors with your dog

Even a well-trained dog can scare other animals and people.

Keeping your dog in sight and under close control is the best way to avoid upsetting others, injuring livestock, and disturbing wildlife. If in doubt, use a lead.
Get tips on responsible dog walking and find out more about the Scottish Outdoor Access Code