Travelling by train

Go on a journey of discovery. Our View from the Train app reveals the highlights of Scotland’s most scenic routes.

Learn the stories of the landscapes that pass by your window as you travel by train in Scotland. Our free app features audio tours to tie in with some of Scotland’s most scenic routes. Sit back and take in the nature and history of various stops along the way.

Hear about the rich wildlife that inhabits the lush oakwoods of Argyll and Lochaber. Listen to the tales of Dundee’s whaling heritage. Admire the hidden depths of the Caithness and Sutherland peatlands. Each story connects people and place – Scotland’s natural environment touches all aspects of our lives.

Plan your trip

Find out about getting around Scotland by train on the VisitScotland website.

For the full experience, match your audio tour to your train route. But you can also enjoy View from a Train without going anywhere near a station. The imagery that plays alongside any audio tour will transport you in spirit to each amazing destination.

Watch our View from the Train: Loch Awe video:

View from the Train: Loch Awe
Click for a full description

View from the Train: Around Loch Awe. This short video contains the audio guide included in the free View from the Train App. To get your free download visit -

​You can watch our other View from the Train videos on our Youtube channel.

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