National Nature Reserves – Covid-19 Phase 2 changes
Follow the latest updates on your reserve's Facebook page.
Please check our individual webpages and Facebook pages for up to date information on the reserve you plan to visit. We are doing our best to get back to normal but it will take some time to re-open all our facilities safely.
Our toilet facilities and visitor centres are still closed, as are most public facilities. Please plan ahead before you leave home.
To help you have the best experience on our reserves, please remember that it is your responsibility to:
- Be kind and respectful to others.
- Be prepared to go somewhere else if your destination is too crowded.
- Leave no trace of your visit – take your litter and dog waste away with you and dispose of it responsibly, or in your bin at home.
- ‘Maintain physical distancing – stay at least 2 metres away from other people
- Avoid touching surfaces like gates as much as possible.
- Keep your dog under proper control. Don’t let it approach other people, livestock or wildlife.
- Be alert in spells of hot, dry weather and do not light fires – including barbecues.
Please also remember that:
- National Nature Reserves are special places for wildlife as well as people. Please follow any signs or local guidance from reserve staff.
- Summer is a busy time for wildlife and many young animals are still very vulnerable.
- Our staff are required to keep a physical distance from you. Please be respectful if you need to approach them.
Please always follow the Scottish Outdoor Access Code.