Nature Networks - Case Studies

There is a lot of good work already underway in spatially identifying nature networks and delivering projects on the ground that contribute to connectivity.

There is already some great work underway in planning, developing and delivering Nature Networks in Scotland.

Here, you will find an array of case studies, each demonstrating important aspects of Nature Networks.

They vary from planning regional scale networks, to delivering individual projects that can contribute to a broader Nature Network.

For each, they look to share how the project was facilitated, the benefits and challenges they experienced and importantly how they achieved or utilised the co-designed delivery principles set out in the Nature Network framework in their work.

You’ll also find contact details at the end of each case study, so feel free to reach out to them for more information and to further share learning and experience.

Edinburgh Nature Network

Delivery Partners

City of Edinburgh Council and Scottish Wildlife Trust

Time scale/span

  • Development – 2019-2021
  • Pilot Delivery – 2022-2024 (with further delivery being planned)

Funding sources/estimated rough cost 

Future Parks Accelerator grant (funded by the National Trust and National Heritage Lottery Fund) for the Thriving Greenspaces Project funded staff (ecologist) and consultant (GIS) to develop the Nature Network and deliver pilot nature network project.  This was matched funded by the Council and also NatureScot Nature Restoration Fund (direct allocation). 

Greenspace Scotland - £41,000 (nature restoration in parks fund)

Summary of project

Edinburgh Nature Network is a long-term strategic approach to manage, restore and enhance the environmental landscape of Edinburgh. It highlights opportunities to take action across the city, using natural solutions to address the threats of biodiversity loss and climate change. The Nature Network restores our connections with nature, making us a part of it once more, and enhances the ability of the city to adapt to climate change, providing multiple ecosystem services to benefit wildlife, human society and the economy. 

Its development was led by the Scottish Wildlife Trust, with GIS support from University of Edinburgh as part of the Thriving Green Spaces project. Thriving Green Spaces was led by City of Edinburgh Council and funded by the Future Parks Accelerator (FPA) programme, to build a sustainable future for the UK’s urban parks and green spaces. This is the first urban Nature Network to be developed in Scotland 

The first part of the project identified 200 plus actions across the city that would create our Edinburgh Nature Network. The pilot for our Nature Network is in Leith – where we are delivering the actions in the area in partnership with Council colleagues, local organisations and the community.

How was the project delivered, referring to the Nature Network Framework principles

Participation, engagement, and communication; Engagement with partnerships and communities will be inclusive, empowering and facilitate bottom-up activity. Simple and unifying messaging on Nature Networks across partners with a focus on building people’s connection with nature and fostering stewardship.

The first phase of the Edinburgh Nature Network was the development of our maps of 200+ actions city-wide. This was undertaken through the mapping of seven ecosystem services, seven habitats and workshops with both professional and community stakeholders. A co-design approach was taken ensuring those on the ground inputted to the design and development of the map. Partnership is key – with the Edinburgh Nature Network working group spanning more than 18 eNGOs and other organisations across the city - such as through the need for input from all within tracking, recording and monitoring, which in turn encourages further action which will improve the city for both nature and society.

Moving forward, delivery of actions has a bottom-up focus empowering local people by supporting the creation of Friends of Groups and working with schools to take ownership of their local greenspace.

Knowledge and skills

Nature Networks will be developed using and sharing local knowledge, experience and best-practice, and will support the growth of green skills and jobs. The co-design approach to developing the Edinburgh Nature Network map allowed us to ground truth and fill in gaps using expertise and knowledge from local people. 

In delivering the actions, training has been central through working with The Conservation Volunteers (TCV), Friends of Groups, and outdoor learning.

This development phase links with all six themes of the delivery principles in the nature networks framework through our open governance and engagement across organisations and communities to ensure our nature network included the expertise of local knowledge alongside the mapping of data to give our evidence-based map of actions. Our work with the FPA allowed us the resource for development, and our partnership with planning and biodiversity colleagues incorporated policy at all stages.

We continue to take forward these six themes as we move to delivery of our pilot (and ongoing delivery areas). Co-design is integral to delivery of these actions and long-term monitoring of success, as we seek sustainable funding and ensure our nature network aligns with updated planning and policy guidance.

Data, mapping and monitoring

  • 200+ nature network actions illustrated on our online Edinburgh Nature Network (ENN) storymap, split by all districts in the city highlighting a range of actions identified to improve biodiversity and increase connectivity through stepping stone habitats across 7 habitats and ecosystem services.
  • This allows local groups and organisations to easily access our Nature Network and become involved in projects and actions
  • The data informing these opportunities and actions were derived from information held by partner organisations and workshops with 30 different organisations, including SWT and the University of Edinburgh
  • The locations chosen for our pilot delivery of the ENN in Leith were based on ecological surveys of spaces with low biodiversity in addition to ecological information which was held internally and considered existing user groups, accessibility and visitation of these spaces

Policy and Mainstreaming

  • Nature Network developed in partnership with Biodiversity Officer and planning colleagues
  • Nature Network developments are discussed with our cross-departmental Nature Recovery and Climate Adaptation working group which comprises employees from Climate Ready Edinburgh Plan, Edinburgh Biodiversity Action Plan, and our Green Blue Networks Strategy.
  • Our Nature Network title has been included within event advertising and signage to raise awareness of the project across colleagues, stakeholders and the wider public.

Financing and Resourcing

  • External funding allowed us to develop our Nature Network to this point and we will continue to seek funding to support the expansion of our pilot project of the Nature Network to ensure its longevity.
  • Our Nature Network also aligns with Naturescot awarded FIRNS funding.

Key benefits/improvements made

  • Map of actions
  • Collaborative working across City of Edinburgh Council departments – including Housing, Transport, Maintenance, Education, Parks, Forestry, Planning
  • Draft monitoring and evaluation framework fed into by Edinburgh Nature Network working group (made up of 18+ organisations and NGOs in Edinburgh)
  • Delivery of Leith actions and creation of visual plan to demonstrate how to deliver nature networks on the ground
  • Applying Biodiversity Net Gain assessments to this delivery to provide evidence of direct, measurable increases in Biodiversity
  • Core Leith group of organisations and community members now signed up to our mailing list and getting involved in actions across the area
  • City-wide meadow management with The Conservation Volunteers (TCV)
  • Supporting and encouraging the formation of new Friends groups through training and engagement with the City of Edinburgh Council and partners to ensure the longevity of interventions 
  • Supported the set-up of Wilding Wee Spaces pilot in Leith – a programme led by Outdoor Learning colleagues, focussed on each cluster of schools in Edinburgh have an area of public land local to them where pupils can have nature-based sessions and undertake conservation activities that they have designed

Challenges/barriers overcome

  • Funding – Future Parks Accelerator from Greenspace Scotland
  • Staff resource 
  • Applying metrics for monitoring and evaluation which can be undertaken at a citizen science level and provide useful data
  • Delivering the ENN in a variety of complex habitats as Edinburgh includes both urban and rural landscapes. Ensuring partnerships across Council departments and with external organisations addresses this additional complexity

More information can be found on the Edinburgh's Nature Network website.
Contact: [email protected]

Cairngorms Connect

Delivery Partners

 Wildland Limited, Forestry and Land Scotland, RSPB, NatureScot

Time scale/span

200 years

Funding sources/estimated rough cost

 A core team (6.2 FTE), underwritten by partners  £386k/annum (2024), commencing 1 January 2024. 

Summary of project

Cairngorms Connect stretches over 60,000 hectares and works to realise common aspirations for the landscape between the partnership organisations. The project is delivered by a partnership of neighbouring land managers including RSPB, Wildland, Forestry and Land Scotland, and NatureScot.

The Cairngorms is a landscape of ancient woodlands intersected by rivers and lochs, encircling an Arctic-like mountain massif. There are extensive tracts of blanket bog, wetlands and woodland bogs. The health of ecosystems found in the Cairngorms is not as good as it could be, due the impacts of grazing from wild deer, preventing natural regeneration, degraded peatlands and modified rivers. The project is committed to a 200-year vision and focuses on sequestering carbon, restoring & promoting natural processes and building resilience to climate change.

By 2030, the Cairngorms Connect partnership will be a leading ecological restoration project in Europe – for nature, climate, and people. It will be the exemplar of partnership working between private, government, and charity interests - essential for us to withstand the challenges of the nature crisis and climate emergency. The partners will deliver ecological restoration at scale, driven by social benefits, as much as climate and biodiversity benefits, and backed up by robust scientific evidence. 

How is the project delivered in relation to the Nature Network Framework principles

Governance and decision making; Governance of Nature Networks will be transparent, democratic and accountable and with inclusive and diverse representation. There will be a focus on empowering and equipping delivery partners from across sectors.

Working in partnership at scale – statutory bodies, a private landowner, and an eNGO managing together, constructively, and creatively; working in a supportive, trusting, and constructive way; strong financial governance; promoting the achievements of the individual partners and their respective brands, and celebrating the benefits of collaboration.

The Partnership is not driven by species targets but instead concentrates on creating a natural, wilder landscape for a wide range of species to flourish without significant intervention. The Cairngorms Connect area does however attract other organisations who wish to enhance species populations e.g. Saving Wildcats reintroductions and Pine hoverfly reinforcement.

Participation, engagement, and communication; Engagement with partnerships and communities will be inclusive, empowering and facilitate bottom-up activity. Simple and unifying messaging on Nature Networks across partners with a focus on building people’s connection with nature and fostering stewardship. Scotland’s public bodies will be exemplars, supporting the delivery of Nature Networks on their land.

Involving communities –each partner, working within an agreed framework, offer original, genuine and exciting opportunities for engagement through a supported menu of options for engagement and involvement.  These including providing local economic benefits and building skills and are supported by the CC Communications and Involvement Group.  Cairngorms Connect has successfully delivered an annual conference for people working for the CC partners, and a separate event for local communities. 

Knowledge and skills

Nature Networks will be developed using and sharing local knowledge, experience and best-practice, and will support the growth of green skills and jobs.

Each partner organisation has its own staff on ground, amounting to around 50 – 55 full-time employees (FTE). The partnership has appointed nine FTE to service partnership for the period of 5 years.  CC regularly organises Knowledge Exchange visits where partners can learn from the extensive knowledge and experiences of the other partners in Cairngorms Connect.  CC employs an apprentice wildlife manager to support their development in attaining relevant skills, experiences and qualifications.  Many projects in the CC are delivered by local businesses bringing investment into local green jobs.


Our latest film explores the relationships that intertwine people with the inspiring landscapes of Cairngorms Connect; from improving our mental wellbeing to sustaining businesses and creating jobs.

Data, mapping, and monitoring; We will be adaptive in our approach to delivering Nature Networks and use the opportunity to improve our understanding of developing effective ecological connectivity. Monitoring approaches for Nature Networks will be developed with, and for, stakeholders to inform management and action that maximises effectiveness of the network. We will employ innovation and best practice in data collection, management and use. Mapping and use of data will be collaborative and holistic in approach.

Collaborative science – monitoring nine ‘200-year’ indicators; developing a strong partner-led science programme; hosting academic partners on our terms; supported by the CC Scientists’ Working Group.  This includes supporting PhD research, and publishing work in scientific literature.  Monitoring plays an important role in informing managements across CC area.  


Cairngorms Connect: Woodland Expansion

In this film ecologist Ellie Dimambro-Denson talks about the work taking place to expand the range of native woodlands within the project.

Finance and resourcing; Public and private funding and finance will be delivered through properly resourced, clearly directed, long-term, simple and accessible means.

Cairngorms Connect combines funding from natural capital, corporate support, private funding, and grant aid, to support the full programme of work acting as an exemplar in the role of ‘Green Finance’ in supporting ecological restoration.  The programme is also exploring Lottery Fund opportunities.

An economic indicator is used to measure the direct and additional economic impact of the Cairngorms Connect project on the economy of the local area. The real market economic impact can be measured in terms of jobs and value added to the local economy.

Key benefits/improvements made

There are direct links from the CC themes and Scottish Biodiversity Strategy to 2045 vision and outcomes.  As the UK’s foremost ecological restoration partnership with a proven record of delivery since 2014:

  • Non-native conifer removal 2985ha - woodland condition and conversion to native woodland
  • Pinewood field layer management - 597ha - woodland condition
  • Pinewood plantation naturalisation - 1555ha - deadwood creation, woodland condition
  • Peatland restored - 955ha
  • Natural floodplain restored - 20ha
  • New native woodland planted - 1185ha
  • 59 FTEs employed in nature restoration
  • Deer population management – red deer population maintained below 5/km² across 60,000ha since 2014
  • £1.4 million spent locally on nature restoration
  • Diverse, healthy, resilient Ecosystems will be and deliver a wide range of ecosystem services.

Challenges and barriers overcome

  • Collaboration is beneficial improving contract value for money through packaging of works for contractors, and also for marketing of project successes. As a partnership, the team can interpret what is happening on a much larger scale and collaboratively promote their message with greater influence.
  • There is a need for incentives that encourage (or are scaled to favour) the removal of barriers to restoration: reward work at a big scale; reward connected holdings, where land is contiguous and management creates a seamless landscape for wildlife; reward long-term commitment.
  • There is need for more funding for floodplain and river restoration, which is an important area for climate change adaptation. 
  • The fixed timeframes of the funding has presented a challenge with the capacity to spend the money in time. There is need for commensurate support for delivery of work when there is a big budget to spend.
  • Large-scale nature restoration brings local economic benefits through the creation of new posts to support the partnership and land management jobs. There are direct and wider employment opportunities associated with ecotourism from the project and the recreational opportunities. 
  • The biggest challenge has been where neighbouring estates are impacted by the level of deer reduction where they maintain a stalking interest on their own land. The reduction in deer numbers has led some neighbouring estates to change their focus away from stalking.
  • Controlling deer to deliver tree recovery at a particular density within a particular timeframe is difficult in remote locations and high altitudes, and where there is poor seed source.
  • Controlling deer populations, and lessening the impacts from wild grazing, is the fundamental intervention for achieving the aims of the project. As deer have no natural predators nowadays in Scotland, control will require ongoing direct intervention. 

More information can be found on the Cairngorms Connect website.
Contact: [email protected]

Improving Nature Networks for East Lothian’s Communities: Enhancing Nature Networks and Biodiversity in our Parks and Greenspaces

Delivery Partners 

East Lothian Council 

Time scale/span 

4 Months (1st April – 31st July 2023)

Funding sources/estimated rough cost: Funded by the Scottish allocation of the Levelling Up Parks Fund provided to the Scottish Government by the UK Government and managed on behalf of the Scottish Government by Greenspace Scotland. 

Cost of this project


Summary of project

‘Nature Networks East Lothian’ is a project developed by East Lothian Council to identify, explore, provide advice on and deliver nature network opportunities supported by our communities, in suitable areas of Council owned and managed parks and greenspaces across East Lothian’s towns and villages.

The objective of the project was to identify areas which have the potential for development of enhanced and connected nature networks and biodiversity enhancements with community support and produce an Action Plan which the Council will aim to deliver over the coming years, bringing a wide range of benefits to nature and people.

How was the project delivered in reference to the Nature Network Framework principles

Participation, engagement, and communication: Simple and unifying messaging on Nature Networks across partners with a focus on building people’s connection with nature and fostering stewardship. Engagement with partnerships and communities will be inclusive, empowering and facilitate bottom-up activity.

We produced a distinctive ‘Nature Networks East Lothian’ brand for the project to help build awareness and a recognisable identity. This was used in communication materials such as a dedicated Nature Networks page on East Lothian Council’s website as a central hub of information about the project, as well as news releases across the Council’s news page and social media. 

Involving the local community in this project was crucial in the action planning process. By gathering the views of local people we ensured that the nature network actions proposed were supported by local people. We undertook a public consultation which aimed to help the Council to identify opportunities where nature and biodiversity can be enhanced, and which nature networks could be expanded across East Lothian’s parks and greenspaces in our towns and villages. 

The types of nature enhancements and natural habitats people supported and commented that they would like to see enhanced in their local areas came from the following suggested options:

  • Hedgerows, shrubs and bushes
  • Tree planting
  • Street trees 
  • Woodland habitat
  • Meadows
  • Naturalised grassland
  • ‘Wee forests’ / ‘tiny forests’
  • Pollinator friendly planting
  • Raingardens
  • Bog gardens
  • Wetlands 

The consultation survey was publicised with a news release and social media promotion. It was shared with relevant internal and external stakeholders, community members, organisations and groups, including local Area Partnerships and Community Councils. The public consultation was open for 4 weeks and gained 370 responses. 

The responses and feedback received enabled the identification of actions for the Council to progress and develop nature networks across East Lothian’s communities.

The actions have been set out in an Action Plan in the project report, and were categorised under the following objectives:

  • Create: Creating new areas of habitat in our parks and greenspaces.
  • Enhance: Improving the quality of current networks through better/alternative habitat management in our parks and greenspaces.
  • Connect: Connecting habitats to ensure continuous networks of vital habitats and connecting people with nature. Enhancing connections between sites through physical corridors, or through ‘stepping stones’, as well as working in partnership with private landowners, local community groups, organisations or community members to extend nature networks to other greenspace opportunities.
  • Restore: Repairing or renewing areas of habitat that may have been subjected to land changes that could be restored to their past condition.

Other achievements of this project were the production of signage to be located on-site to inform the public about nature network enhancements underway in their parks and greenspaces. For ‘quick wins’ we purchased native wildflowers seed mixes and native trees to plant in areas in accordance with the findings of the survey, which were supported by local people.

Knowledge and skills

Nature Networks will be developed using and sharing local knowledge, experience and best-practice, and will support the growth of green skills and jobs.

We identified suitable locations for potential nature network development and enhancement with the knowledge and expertise of our amenity operations team, as well as understand what past works have been achieved. 

A total of 27 parks and greenspaces across East Lothian were identified for potential nature network development and biodiversity enhancement.

A working action plan document was created for Amenity Operatives, to assist them to allocate groundcare projects to align with overarching targets set out within the Nature Networks action plan. Operational Guidance Notes have also been produced for Amenity Operatives, setting out the practical details of how to deliver the specific habitats/nature network actions on the ground.

There is also continuous engagement with operational staff to help support them in delivery of nature networks and biodiversity enhancement projects with aims to deliver toolbox talk sessions and future training.

Data, mapping and monitoring

We will be adaptive in our approach to delivering Nature Networks and use the opportunity to improve our understanding of developing effective ecological connectivity. Monitoring approaches for Nature Networks will be developed with, and for, stakeholders to inform management and action that maximises effectiveness of the network.

We collected data as part of this project, through our consultation survey, particularly in relation to public views of nature enhancements they would support in their local parks and greenspaces. 

An Action Plan was produced as a key outcome of this project, and ongoing monitoring and reporting will be a key aspect of delivering the actions in the Action Plan going forward. 

Further actions planned will include mapping of biodiversity and nature networks areas; and to identify ‘stepping stones’ for nature and locations where further nature enhancements are needed to create a connected nature network.

As a key outcome of the project is improved biodiversity / species diversity / natural habitat in our parks and greenspaces, this will be monitored and evaluated by recording increases in natural habitat developed and species planted / grown. Further ahead and if future funding permits, there may be opportunities for detailed biological recording of species present.

Finance and resourcing

We are very grateful for the external funding for this project, which enabled the project to take place. Capital funding enabled the purchase of the wildflower seeds and trees for planting; however the provision of revenue funding was key to delivering this project in enabling us to employ a staff member to undertake this project.

Policy and mainstreaming

Mainstreaming Nature Networks, and wider biodiversity targets, at all levels of government and across the whole of society to encourage shared responsibility, efficient use of resources, and delivery of multiple benefits (additionality)

This project has been key in commencing the mainstreaming of Nature Networks in East Lothian and raising awareness among our communities, colleagues and other key stakeholders, and it links to wider policy context in tackling the climate and nature emergencies in East Lothian, including the Council’s Climate Change Strategy, Open Space Strategy, Green Networks Strategy and development of our next Local Development Plan.

Key benefits/improvements made

  • Identified opportunities where biodiversity enhancements could be developed and included these in an action plan which we will aim to deliver over the coming years.
  • Identified momentum from respondents to the survey for more biodiversity enhancements and nature networks across East Lothian’s parks and greenspaces. 
  • Identified opportunities where biodiversity enhancements could be developed.
  • Created ‘shovel ready’ projects in line with the action plan for when funding streams come available.
  • Opened dialogue with local communities on how they can get involved and help shape what nature networks could look like in their area. 
  • Opened dialogue with our amenity operational team on what they can do for biodiversity within their management and how they can create nature networks.
  • Quick win actions with purchased native trees and wildflower seed mixes, which will be delivered in appropriate areas identified through the consultation.

Challenges/barriers overcome

  • There was a short time frame for delivery which created a short time for consultation. We communicated our projects across our news outlets, social media, community councils, libraries and other contacts within the local community to advertise the consultation as much as possible. 
  • The findings of the consultation included concerns such as the potential for increased dog fouling, ticks, appearance and littering of some nature networks opportunities such as naturalised grassland. We created an FAQ with information on how East Lothian Council will manage these concerns, as well as continual, ongoing engagement with local communities of what they would like to see delivered within their parks and greenspaces. 
  • This project would not have been achievable without revenue funding to employ a member of staff to undertake these first steps of action planning and consultation. Therefore, this was a critical aspect of the project funding. 

Key links to more information

East Lothian Council’s Nature Networks project web page

News release on the Nature Networks project findings with link to the project report

Contact: [email protected]

Moray Nature Network Opportunity Map

Delivery Partners

Lead: Moray Council

Consultant: Envirocentre 

Core advisory group: Moray Climate Action Network, NatureScot, Scottish Forestry, Findhorn Nairn and Lossie Rivers Trust, Findhorn Watershed Initiative, Spey Fishery Board, Spey Catchment Initiative, Moray Firth Coastal Partnership, Joint Community Councils of Moray

Time scale/span 

January 2024 – expected completion by December 2024


£35,000 from the Nature Restoration Fund direct grant to local authorities

Summary of project

This project is the first stage of creating a Nature Network for Moray, a predominantly rural area and small local authority with diverse landscapes stretching from the Moray Firth coast to the Cairngorm mountains. 

The aim is to produce a spatial opportunity map to sit within the Local Development Plan (LDP) and form the foundations of a local governance structure that will continue into the delivery phase.

The additional Nature Restoration Fund (NRF) allocation in 2023/24 enabled the council to commission an ecological consultant to undertake engagement and develop an evidence based opportunity map that a) links designated (30x30) sites with similar or complimentary features and b) connects nature within urban areas and outward to the designated sites using existing natural features or opportunities such as active travel routes. 

Governance and decision making

A core advisory group was formed at the very start, comprising of:

  • Community representatives (Moray Climate Action Network and Joint Community Councils)
  • Landscape scale environmental charities (Moray Firth Coastal Partnership, Findhorn Nairn & Lossie Rivers Trust, Findhorn Watershed Initiative, Spey Fishery Board and Spey Catchment Initiative)
  • Statutory bodies (Moray Council, NatureScot and Scottish Forestry)

The purpose of this group was to: guide, and provide local/expert knowledge in spatially identifying the Nature Network; support bottom up design and delivery of the Nature Network through connecting with communities; feed back to regional and national groups where appropriate. 

Though initially it is an informal group formed to steer the spatial mapping and related engagement, it has the potential to grow into a Local Nature Network Group that guides delivery of the Nature Network in future.

Participation, engagement, and communication

Stakeholders were involved early on, with a series of workshops and meetings aiming to introduce the concept as well as identify opportunities and constraints. A StoryMap showing the draft Nature Network was published early in this process to guide and inform feedback, this was published on the council’s website and sent to targeted groups alongside a survey. The feedback received through the engagement process has informed the final map routes and accompanying report.  

In recognition that Nature Networks involve connecting people with nature, council owned land and core paths were highlighted as opportunities to enable the council to play a leadership role in delivery role (mainly within urban areas). 

Knowledge and skills

The core group and wider stakeholders consulted represent a diverse range of local knowledge and experience, including those who have been working on landscape scale nature restoration in the area for many years.  

Moray Council representatives guiding the project have sought to align the Nature Network with other policy and strategies that address climate change, forestry and green skills. 

Liaising with NatureScot at key points gave the project confidence and provided mutual learning opportunities. 

Data, mapping, and monitoring

Map of Moray Council's Nature Network 2024
Moray Council Nature Network Map
Click for a full description

Moray Council Nature Network Map (Draft) October 2024 

The opportunity mapping has involved desk based analysis of available data sets such as native woodland and  peatland, alongside local stakeholder input. Each connection has been individually drawn and considered within the context of nearby features. 

Future work will involve incorporating ecological survey data to the map. This will build evidence of sites that are already nature-rich or with active or potential restoration, so that resources can be directed to where they can achieve meaningful impact. 

It is acknowledged that the map will be dynamic, with the potential for connections to move should opportunities or barriers emerge. 

It is the intention that these decisions would be made by the core group. 

Finance and resourcing

The NRF grant was pivotal in enabling the spatial map to be produced in good time for the LDP. With no ecological expertise within Moray Council, and no existing biodiversity partnership focused on Moray (the North East Scotland Biodiversity Partnership covers three local authority areas and is not resourced to lead this work), ecological consultancy was required. 

Future resourcing of the delivery phase is still being considered, but it is recognised that this will require access to variety of finance options. 

Policy and Mainstreaming

This project has raised awareness and understanding of the Nature Networks concept in Moray. Significant engagement with key stakeholders is starting to forge links across policy areas including development planning, forestry and climate change. 

Planning guidance is being developed that will support delivery of biodiversity enhancements that contribute to the network. The actions required to deliver the Moray Nature Network on a wider scale will be embedded within Moray’s first Biodiversity Strategy, due for publication in 2025. 

Key benefits/improvements made

  • Fully mapped Nature Network opportunities, covering both the urban and rural landscape, will be finalised in time for the proposed LDP. 
  • A core group has been convened and there is interest from a wider range of stakeholders to take delivery forward. 
  • Increasing alignment across policy and workstreams, early actions are maximising co-benefits.

Moray Nature Network will provide focus and structure to forthcoming Biodiversity Strategy.

Challenges/barriers overcome

Lack of capacity within the council and partners continues to present a challenge, and with no existing local nature recovery plan or strategy in place the decision was made to direct some of the additional NRF funding in 2023/4 to the development phase of a Nature Network. 

As one of the first planning authorities in Scotland to go through the new style LDP process, and with the additional NRF funding in 2023/24, there was a degree of urgency to progress this work without waiting for the AECOM tool to become available. However, the approach taken by the consultants, while time consuming, has produced a high quality opportunity map and the other elements of the AECOM tool will be explored over the next year. 

The newness of the concept, along with the scale and character of the rural network, resulted in lower engagement than hoped. Fortunately, connections were made later in the process, particularly relating to agriculture, and as the network will be adaptable it is intended that these relationships and information will grow over time. 

There is no delivery plan for the Nature Network yet, and the limited capacity within the council to facilitate bottom up delivery is likely to persist. Close collaboration with partners in the community, including Moray Climate Action Network, the North East Scotland Biodiversity Partnership and those working on landscape scale nature recovery will be important to the success of the Nature Network. Relationships between these groups are growing and it is hoped this will form the foundation of a supportive framework to facilitate delivery in future. 

Quarrywood SSSI

Key links to more information

Moray Council Nature Networks web page

Moray Nature Network StoryMap


[email protected] 

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Estate Mapping and Nature Networks Project

Delivery Partners

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (NHSGGC), Health Protection Scotland (HPS), NatureScot, NHS Assure, GCV Green Network

Time scale/span

2023 – 2024/ongoing

Funding sources

NHSGGC (internal funding of staff resource), HPS (mapping resource), NatureScot (UKHAB surveys), GCV Green Network (data/mapping exercise). 

Summary of project

This is as a partnership project with NHS Assure, HPS and NatureScot to identify the extent and location of the NHSGGC outdoor estate and to develop site by site information on natural assets such as habitat and biodiversity.  This information is being utilised in the development of a network of high quality, accessible and environmentally important green and open spaces for patients, staff and visitors across NHSGGC. 

At a strategic level, NHSGGC sites with the greatest potential to contribute to locally significant woodland and grassland networks have also been identified through a mapping exercise with GCV Green Network.  It is intended that future green/open space projects on these sites will maximise this contribution through targeted measures. Next steps will also include expanding the data set to develop a tool with wider application to sustainable estate management, climate change adaptation and biodiversity across the NHSGGC area.

How was the project delivered

This project links to Theme 4 in the framework - Data mapping and monitoring.  Significant collaboration was undertaken in the development of the data.  This took place over a number of months in 2023 and 2024 and initially involved PHS mapping estate boundaries across all sites, in consultation with NHSGGC.  Estate mapping was supplemented in 2024 by NatureScot funded UKHABs surveys, carried out on sites greater than 0.2 hectares in size. 

Simultaneously, GCV Green Network has been developing Nature Networks across the eight local authorities that comprise Glasgow City Region to help meet a new requirements placed upon authorities through the 4th National Planning Framework.

An opportunity was identified for NHSGGC and GCV Green Network to work together at a strategic level.  Draft Nature Networks data were mapped against NHSGGC site information in an exercise designed to highlight NHSGGC sites with strategic importance in  contributing to woodland, grassland and active travel networks in the Greater Glasgow area.

Key benefits/improvements 

The information gathered from this collaborative exercise is already being used to develop the greenspace network across NHSGGC sites and to promote external connectivity.  For example, potential to contribute to the local Nature Network has become a consideration in the development and design of greenspace projects on particular sites.  Beyond this, it is hoped that the mapping data can be expanded to include other significant factors, such as flood risk and building management information.  In this way, the mapping data becomes an important tool in promoting sustainable estate management, climate change adaptation and biodiversity across the Board area.


No significant challenges were encountered, other than the time required to provide and check data and the coordination of different input, as detailed above. 


Fiona Roche, Greenspace Officer [email protected] 

Aberdeen Flagship Parks for Pollinators and B-Lines

Project title

  1. Aberdeen Flagship Parks for Pollinators
  2. Aberdeen B-Lines

Delivery Partners

 Aberdeen City Council, Greenspace Scotland (funding facilitator) and Buglife Scotland

Time scale/span

Aberdeen Flagship Parks for Pollinators – March – July 2023

Aberdeen B-Lines – October 2023 – March 2025

Funding sources/estimated rough cost

Aberdeen Flagship Parks for Pollinators - £37,000 from Nature Restoration in Parks fund (Scottish Government)

Aberdeen B-Lines - £193,394 from Nature Restoration Fund, Milkywire and an anonymous donation.

Cost of this project


Summary of project

These two projects come together to improve connectivity for pollinators, forming a good basis to developing Aberdeen’s future Nature Network. Aberdeen City Council is extending naturalised greenspace management by improving and creating blue/green habitats in two high profile parks in the city. In Aberdeen Flagship Parks for Pollinators, Duthie Park beside the River Dee and Seaton Park on the River Don have been chosen to show this approach can benefit both people and wildlife. Both parks also serve more deprived areas of the city, include extensive areas of traditional horticultural layouts, and are heavily used. This preliminary project feeds into Aberdeen’s B-Lines Project, more detail on each being given below.

Aberdeen Flagship Parks for Pollinators

Duthie Park and Seaton Park in Aberdeen were chosen for this project. Duthie Park is a traditional formal park situated next to the River Dee and Seaton Park combines formal areas with wetlands and riparian woodland and is adjacent to the River Don.  Both parks will form demonstration sites for the Aberdeen B-Lines project.

The project focused on creating wildflower areas, native tree planting, organising hydrological and ecological surveys of wetland and pond habitats to look at ways to expand/enhance habitats.  Action Plans were undertaken to advise on future management of the areas.

Community events in the form of Bio-blitz's combined activities such as pond–dipping, mini beast hunts with stalls from different conservation organisations, to encourage visitors to discover the natural world in the park. All species records were collated and uploaded onto the North-East Scotland Biological Records Centre’s (NESBReC) website.

Aberdeen B-Lines

Aberdeen City Council is partnering with Buglife to create, restore and enhance 20 hectares of land in Aberdeen for pollinators.  Eleven Council owned areas have been selected to initiate this work along the River Don, River Dee and the Coast, this includes further work at Duthie and Seaton Park.  Buglife will employ an Aberdeen B-Lines Conservation Officer for the duration of the project to undertake survey work, advise on habitat management and to provide training and facilitate community events.

Buglife’s B-Lines project is a national project which helps to build nature networks for pollinators around the country.  It offers the opportunity for local communities, schools and external bodies to get involved and create spaces for nature where they live and work.

How was the project delivered in reference to the Nature Network Framework principles

Knowledge and Skills 

The B-Lines project group was set up in October 2022 to develop a B-Lines Project. The team included the members from the Council’s Environmental Services and the Natural Environment Policy Team and Buglife and partner organisations such as the local records centre. The group combined ecological and operational experience to identify and select the sites best suited for ecological improvements.

Data, mapping and monitoring 

The Parks for Pollinators project provided funding to allow hydrological and ecological surveys to be undertaken.  This provides baseline data for the B-Lines project and detailed analysis of the current wetland areas and options for future enhancement and management.

Finance and Resourcing

Buglife applied for funding for the B-Lines project and successfully provided match funding from smaller grant providers.  Buglife’s experience with funding similar projects elsewhere was invaluable in creating the project.

Policy and mainstreaming

These projects link to the Natural Environment Strategy, under Net Zero Aberdeen.

This project allows the Council the opportunity to improve and create species rich grasslands and change the way that grassland is managed.  By undertaking these projects, experiments can be undertaken to establish the best methods for improvements on the ground.  The concept of B-Lines has already been incorporated into major coastal masterplans in the city, which will help deliver a pollinator coast along the city’s coastline, improving habitats and linking into larger projects such as Species on the Edge.

Key benefits/improvements made

  • 4,700 wildflower plugs planted at Seaton Park
  • Local wildflower seeds sown (Scotia seeds – annual meadow mix, ‘get nectar rich quick’ and urban pollinator mix) to create colourful wildflower areas at Duthie Park.
  • 310 native trees planted
  • 335 people took part in Bio-blitz events
  • Hydrological and ecological surveys undertaken
  • Action Plans produced to manage site for wildlife

Challenges/barriers overcome

  • Short timescales for the Parks for Pollinators project meant that things had to be turned around very quickly.  More time to deliver the project would have been beneficial. Reallocating officer time was essential to the success of the project but had impact on other duties.
  • B-Lines has 18 months of funding rather than the ideal of a 3-5year project.  Officer resource will be required to ensure longer term funding is achieved through other avenues and/or that suitable partnerships are established that may assist in achieving more in less time.
  • A wildflower area was accidentally mown by new operative, so ensuring operational staff are trained and fully aware of project areas is vital.
  • Wildflower plug plants could have been in the ground sooner, delays were due to a dry summer. Plants were planted when conditions improved and regularly watered. The delay did result in some species not flowering but should flower next year.

Key links to more information

Contact: [email protected]  or [email protected] 

North Ayrshire Nature Network

Delivery Partners

North Ayrshire Council 

Summary of project 

North Ayrshire Council are working to deliver the North Ayrshire Nature Network (NANN) as part of the wider Scottish Nature Network. 

How was the project delivered: How was the project delivered: The Council are looking to deliver the Nature Network best suited to North Ayrshire. The Council aims to do this by using local knowledge and paying attention to local ecological conditions. To do this the vision for the North Ayrshire Nature Network (NANN) has been made using the Scottish Government's best practice guidance.

The first step in this process was to identify the Council strategies that NANN would influence, and in turn would affect NANN (Delivery Principle 6: Policy & Mainstreaming). This process is key to the delivery of NANN. Failure to integrate NANN into the wider Council policy will result in the potential of the Nature Network concept not being fully realised in North Ayrshire.

Many of the strategies identified are at different stages of refreshment, adoption and delivery. This has resulted in many strategies not recognising the existence of NANN. By identifying these policies at an early stage, it will be possible to ensure that NANN becomes embedded in them when these strategies are refreshed. 

Key to the embedding of NANN in the wider Council policy landscape was the Sustainable North Ayrshire Strategy 2024-2027. The Sustainable North Ayrshire Strategy outlines efforts to combat climate change. It details the Council's roadmap. This includes nine strategic priorities, specific project actions and a Carbon Footprint and Project Register.

As luck would have it, the strategy was in development as the Draft Scottish Biodiversity Strategy to 2045 was published. For the first time the strategy sets out the link between climate change and biodiversity loss. The vision of the Sustainable North Ayrshire Strategy is to achieve net-zero emissions by 2030, to halt biodiversity loss by 2030 and to be Nature Positive by 2045. This sets the development of a Nature Network on an equal footing with actions for tackling climate change such as reducing area wide carbon emissions; developing and retrofitting both domestic and non-domestic properties; eradicating fuel poverty; strengthening the green economy and improving climate resilience of local communities. This sets the scene for the embedding of NANN in all future Council delivery strategies. 

The strategy review has identified the need for the revision of the North Ayrshire Local Biodiversity Action Plan. The current NALBAP recognises the need for a landscape scale nature restoration project but has no mention of the Councils new commitment to halt biodiversity loss in North Ayrshire by 2030 and be nature positive by 2045, the upcoming biodiversity targets or the adoption of an Ayrshire wide Nature Network. The NALABP will require revision to align it with the new SBS content and timeframes. 

The other key strategy for the implementation of NANN is the Local Development plan. Fortunately, North Ayrshire Local Development Plan 3 (LDP3) has just entered its evidence gathering stage. This has allowed work to begin on building the spatial mapping and related details into the evidence planning stage. NANN will be fully embedded in LDP3 when it is adopted in 2027. 

To further embed NANN in Council policy a NANN Strategy document was developed. The draft NANN strategy is in the process of being submitted for ratification. 

The next stage of the NANN delivery process was the undertaking of an internal stakeholder identification process (Delivery Principle 2: Participation, engagement and communication). The process was undertaken using Medelow’s matrix. The matrix helped identify stakeholders’ interest and ability to influence the development of NANN. This process helped to identify Council officers key to the delivery of NANN. 

The key officers were made the focus of an internal consultation process. The consultation process had two elements. An online workshop and a prerecorded power point presentation. The prerecorded presentation was made available to all senior managers.  Both elements captured feedback through an imbedded MS Forms. This enabled feedback to be captured from those senior managers who were unable to attend the live workshop. Senior Manager feedback was then used to redraft/reshape elements within the draft NANN strategy 

As part of the wider community engagement the Medelow’s matrix will be used to develop a focused community engagement plan. This community engagement process will piggyback on community engagement sessions being rolled out as part of the LDP3 evidence gathering process. 

NANN will only be delivered through partnership working. The Council is short of capacity and the required skills to deliver on even a core network based on its own land holdings. To counter this the Council has looked to develop key partnerships.

The North Ayrshire Biodiversity Partnership (NABP) will be key in developing NANN. NABP regular meetings occur quarterly. A NANN steering group would involve additional commitment by NABP members. Due to the level of commitment required it has been put to NABP to define their own involvement with NANN. The partnership will meet to define their terms of engagement. 

The Council has also been working in partnership with the Scottish Wildlife Trust (SWT) and South Ayrshire Council to deliver the Ayrshire Nature Network. North Ayrshire Council has contributed £100,000 to the Ayrshire Nectar Network using money from the Scottish Government’s Nature Restoration Fund (NRF). The Ayrshire Nectar Network is a project led by SWT to create and connect nectar and pollen-rich habitats in North and South Ayrshire.

The Council’s funding agreement with SWT stipulates that the project will:

  • Carry out habitat opportunity mapping using a GIS model to identify viable gap sites in the pollinator habitat network. 
  • Monitor and evaluate impacts of activities on pollinator populations at various sites within the Nectar Network using SWT’s bespoke landscape scale monitoring method, combining professional techniques paired with citizen science. This includes 3 created meadow sites within North Ayrshire managed by the Council along with a nearby amenity grassland site as control. 
  • Facilitate and deliver large scale habitat creation and enhancement working with the Council and other landowners, including the providence of advice on ground preparation, use of green hay, wildflower sowing, tree planting and bringing existing meadows under appropriate management. 
  • Establish Pollinator Friendly Communities to support communities to take community lead action to enhance and manage the habitat in their community for pollinating insects. 
  • Work with local communities and partners to agree a plan for habitat creation and enhancement.
  • Facilitate and deliver skills training and experience in seed collection, sowing and native tree propagation with the development of a North Ayrshire based plant nursery based at Eglinton Community Gardens. 
  • Provide experience and skills training in habitat creation and management, pollinator and botanical ID and monitoring to local groups and volunteers.   

These co-benefits will help the Council start to address some of the capacity and skills gaps that have been identified as barriers towards delivering NANN. 

Key benefits/improvements made

  • Stakeholder Mapping & Engagement 
  • Partnership Working 
  • Project identification and delivery 

Key links to more information

North Ayrshire approved Local Biodiversity Action Plan


Neal Lochrie, Biodiversity Officer, North Ayrshire Council 

Working together to build a useful toolbox 
If you know of other projects that we can showcase that either demonstrate nature networks at scale or, smaller projects that highlight some of the Nature Networks Framework principles in action please let us know at [email protected]
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