Helping Scotland's Pollinators

Find out more about Scotland's Pollinator Strategy, projects, resources and how to get involved.

Helping our pollinators

Scotland’s pollinators are a vital part of our biodiversity. Species such as bees and hoverflies are a familiar sight in our gardens, parks and countryside and they play a crucial role in our food and farming industries as pollinators. They also contribute to our enjoyment of the outdoors and well-being, and who doesn't love the sight of a bumblebee? 

Scotland's pollinators
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A short film explaining the importance of Scotland's pollinating insects, some of the issues they face and what we can do to help. Pollinators rely on the nectar and pollen produced by a variety of flowering plants. This results in the transfer of pollen between plants, leading to fertilisation and the production of seeds and fruit.

Why do we need a strategy?

Our wild pollinators are in trouble and facing pressures such as habitat loss and fragmentation, changes in land use, disease, pesticides and climate change - they need our help.

The Pollinator Strategy for Scotland 2017-2027, and the accompanying Implementation Plan, were created to set out how we can make Scotland a place where pollinators can thrive through:

  • Making Scotland more pollinator-friendly,
  • Halting and reversing the decline in native pollinator populations,
  • Improving our understanding of pollinators and their pollination services
  • Raising awareness and encourage action across sectors
  • Monitoring and evaluating whether pollinators are thriving

The implementation plan outlines what key activities, projects and initiatives are needed in Scotland to help our pollinators.

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Find out more about pollinator strategies in other countries: