Peatland ACTION - Peatland Restoration Training Scheme – Machine Operator
Information for Applicants
The Peatland Restoration Training Scheme – Machine Operator is now open for applications.
Partners across Peatland ACTION have highlighted the shortage of machine operators skilled and experienced in peatland restoration as being a significant constraint on the delivery of restoration projects.
With an increase year-on-year in restoration being funded, the skills shortage risks being a potential limiting factor in addressing degraded peatland. As the pace of delivery of peatland restoration increases, the need to find new ways to creatively address this issue becomes more pressing.
Stakeholders highlighted the need for training and mentoring to provide on-the-job experience, given the nature of the work in highly sensitive, wetland environments and the specialist nature of the technical skills required.
We are offering funding to employers to offset some of the costs of training machine operators during their initial learning phase, this short-term funding aims to increase the number of new entrants being brought into the sector.
We will offer funding to relevant organisations and businesses to provide work-based, learner-focused training and mentoring of 6 weeks in duration. The scheme is limited to 6 training placements. Funding will be offered to those who are best able to demonstrate the provision of a good quality training experience and willingness / intention to assist the mentee to enter or develop their skills in the industry at the conclusion of the training period.
Subject to the consent of landowner and project manager, an applicant business may choose to train the new entrant across one of more sites funded by any Peatland ACTION delivery partner.
Any business or organisation working (or expecting to work in this financial year) on a Peatland ACTION funded project and which is able to provide a good quality training placement is welcome to apply.
Closing date for applications has been extended. Deadline for applications is 11:59 on 14 October 2024.
Expand for further information on eligibility criteria, what we will fund and how to apply
The following information sets out the fund's eligibility criteria and what information to include in your application.
About Peatland ACTION - Background
Peatland ACTION is a national programme to restore peatlands across Scotland. It is led and funded by the Scottish Government and delivered in partnership with NatureScot, Cairngorms National Park Authority, Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park Authority, Scottish Water and Forestry & Land Scotland.
Restoring peatlands is one of the most effective ways of locking in carbon and reducing emissions, offering a clear nature-based solution to both the climate crisis and biodiversity loss. Peatland restoration plays a key role in Scotland’s green recovery and is helping deliver a just transition to net-zero by supporting the rural economy through the creation and development of land-based jobs and skills across Scotland.
In February 2020, the Scottish Government announced a substantial, multi-annual investment in peatland restoration of more than £250 million up to 2030.
Aims of the peatland restoration training scheme
Partners across Peatland ACTION have highlighted the shortage of machine operators skilled and experienced in peatland restoration as being a significant constraint on the delivery of projects. With an increase year-on-year in restoration being funded, the skills shortage risks being a potential limiting factor in addressing degraded peatland. As the pace of delivery of peatland restoration increases, the need to find new ways to creatively address this issue becomes more pressing.
Stakeholders highlighted the need for training and mentoring to provide on-the-job experience, given the nature of the work in highly sensitive, wetland environments and the specialist nature of the technical skills required.
The Peatland Restoration Training Scheme – Machine Operator (‘The Project’) aims to address identified skills shortages and support the development of machine operator skills in the expanding peatland restoration sector. NatureScot, as a delivery partner in Peatland ACTION, has created this training scheme to help develop capacity in the workforce delivering restoration work on the ground. We know that part of the difficulty in introducing new people to the sector lies in the lack of knowledge of the techniques required and the time cost to the business of mentoring new entrants.
The Project will offer funding to relevant organisations and businesses to provide work-based, learner-focused training and mentoring of 6 weeks in duration. Central to the training will be 6 weeks on-site mentoring with the contractor. The mentoring will follow the structure of the Machine Operator Training – Assessment Framework and performance will be assessed, enabling trainees to be certified as competent in relevant restoration techniques. It is expected that trainees will gain competence in two or three of the restoration techniques outlined in the framework.
All new entrants will receive training on the theory and basic principles of peatland restoration and best practice techniques as outlined in the Technical Compendium as part of a 2-day introduction to peatland restoration. This will be arranged and fully funded by Peatland ACTION. In addition, where there is a requirement for the new entrant to gain CPCS/CSCS/NPORS accreditation, Peatland ACTION will consider a contribution of up to £1,000 towards the total cost.
The scheme is limited to six training placements. Funding will be offered to those who are best able to demonstrate the provision of an excellent quality training experience and willingness / intention to assist the mentee to enter or develop their skills in the industry at the conclusion of the training period.
By providing trainees with skills and knowledge at the outset and assisting employers with mentoring costs of the trainee machine operators during their initial learning phase, this short-term training scheme aims to increase the number of new entrants being brought into the sector. It will provide an opportunity for individuals to transition into the sector through accessing training and mentoring and gaining high quality on-the-job experience.
The grant is not intended to provide full cost recovery for the business taking on the trainee, but to recognise the costs to the business of deploying an experienced mentor to provide training.
What training do we want to fund?
We are seeking applications from prospective host businesses, willing to provide a training placement which offers an excellent quality, on-the-job learning, and development experience. Subject to the consent of landowner and project manager, an applicant business may choose to train the new entrant across one or more sites funded by any Peatland ACTION delivery partner.
The training grant is separate from the main restoration grant, however, restoration work delivered by the trainee that is of the required standard may be claimed through the delivery grant. Where payment is normally made on area/length of restoration completed, payment will be made as per the Peatland ACTION Funding Offer. Where payment is made on a day-rate basis, work delivered by the trainee can be claimed at up to 50% of the normal day rate. This must be clearly specified on the invoice submitted. The time spent mentoring should not be lost to the restoration project(s).
The training period will include a two-day introduction to peatland restoration that will be organised and fully funded by NatureScot. Attendance on this course will be mandatory for all trainees. The training will cover the following:
- First principles: Scotland’s peatland (peat forming systems; why we are restoring peatlands; peatland hydrology and ecology)
- Peatland restoration techniques and how to assess what techniques to use where.
- Peatland restoration challenges – common issues and solutions.
- An introduction to planning and designing restoration projects.
- Basic 360 Excavator training using simulation (where the trainee has little or no previous experience)
Dates for this training will be confirmed in due course. Trainee travel and accommodation costs will be covered for this training and businesses will receive a contribution of up to £240 for trainee wage costs.
While training must not begin before funding is agreed, recruitment of trainees can take place prior to the 2-day course, although attendance on it will remain mandatory. The training should be completed by 28th February 2025. The learning experience of the trainee should be central, with a focus on helping individuals to develop the skills and experience required to move into employment in this sector.
The funded training must provide skills that trainees do not already have.
Skills developed will vary from project to project, depending on the restoration techniques specified. Businesses applying for this funding to host a trainee are invited to describe the techniques they would train new entrants in, within the limits of the site(s) available. While this list is not exhaustive, we would anticipate that trainees will develop skills in two or three of the following techniques:
- Drain-blocking and reprofiling (peat dams and plastic piling)
- Wave-damming and zipping
- Re-profiling of hagg and peat bank
- Reprofile and block erosion gullies
- Surface and deep bunding
- Forest to bog rewetting
Where it is necessary for the trainee to secure CPCS/CSCS or NPORS certification, a grant of up to £1,000 of the total cost of the training may be awarded subject to justification of need.
Who can apply?
Any business or organisation working (or expecting to work [1] in this financial year) on a Peatland ACTION funded project and which can provide a good quality training placement is welcome to apply. Applicants must be able to demonstrate their commitment to Fair Work[2] practices in the delivery of this training placement.
Applicants are invited to demonstrate how they will meet the requirements of The Project, helping to equip trainees for work within the sector and ensuring the trainee and their learning journey is at the heart of the process.
We have developed criteria for participation and information setting out what will be expected of businesses providing the training / mentoring and assessment. Only applications which, in the view of the panel, meet these criteria will potentially be eligible for funding. In the event of significant interest from applicant businesses in the training scheme, funding will be awarded to applicants who achieve the highest ranking against the criteria.
The training scheme will focus on the learning experience of the trainee and what they should expect in terms of training and experience. Applicant businesses will be invited to set out:
- how they intend to provide training, mentoring and assessment. This should follow the format outlined in the Machine Operator Training – Assessment Framework.
- the job specification for the trainee
- the skills and experience of the mentor
- the line management and supervision arrangements
- what they will do to further support the trainee into the industry
- how they will promote the opportunity to undertake this training
- evidence of consent from landowner(s) and agreement of project manager(s) to deliver training alongside restoration work.
- where required, the need for CPCS/CSCS or NPORs certification.
Applications will be quality-assessed to ensure they meet the criteria outlined below and have the potential to deliver the desired outcomes.
[1] We appreciate that not all contracts are currently secured. Businesses may apply to support a trainee in advance of having secured work. We also realise that expected work may not materialise within the timeframe, in which case, a business would be able to withdraw the application for hosting a trainee.
[2] More information on Fair Work practices can be found in the Fair Work tool.
What will we fund?
The two-day training course introducing peatland restoration to all trainees will be fully funded by Peatland ACTION including trainee travel and accommodation costs and a contribution of up to £240 towards trainee wage costs.
Funding for training and mentoring will be capped at a maximum of £3,600 per trainee for the 6-week period. In addition, a grant of £800 will be provided for up to two days trainee assessment. A contribution of up to £1,000 may also be available as a contribution towards CPCS/CSCS/NPORS certification where it is assessed as being a requirement.
Salary to the trainee should be at least £120/day.
The breakdown of funding support is shown in the table below.
Item | Unit cost per hour | Unit cost per day | Unit cost per week | Unit cost one-off | Number of units | Total |
Training / mentoring - 12 hours a week (averaged, with more time in initial weeks) | £50 | 72 | £3,600 | |||
Assessment costs | £400 | 2 | £800 | |||
2-day training – wage costs | £120 | 2 | £240 | |||
2-day training – trainee travel | £75* | 2 | £150 | |||
2-day training – trainee accommodation | £80* | 2 | £160 | |||
Contribution towards CPCS/CSCS/NPORS certification | £1,000* | 1 | £1,000 | |||
Total | £5,950 |
* Up to.
Payment will be made in arrears, based on evidence of trainee attendance, and as noted above, actual costs incurred.
All training participants must be resident in Scotland. A trainee must not be a current or past employee of your business or a member of your immediate family.
Funding is offered subject to NatureScot standard Terms & Conditions.
What do host businesses need to provide?
As recipients of funding through the Project, host businesses will be responsible for:
- Providing sufficient time from an experienced member of staff to mentor the trainee (induction, supervision, review, feedback, support, and formal assessment).
- Evidence of attendance by the trainee, i.e. completed timesheets signed by the trainee.
- Supporting the trainee to produce a record of work.
- Carrying out formal assessment of the trainee against the New Entrant Training Scheme – Machine Operator – Assessment Framework.
- Brief End of Training Evaluation Report with sections completed by the trainee and the manager/mentor.
As employers of the trainee, host organisations will be responsible for:
- Recruitment of the trainee.
- Payment of wages to the trainee, at least £120 per day gross.
- Appropriate PPE for the trainee so they can conduct their role.
- Induction for the trainee including health and safety briefing.
- Employer’s liability insurance.
What other support will NatureScot Peatland ACTION provide?
NatureScot Peatland ACTION may be able to help with or advise on advertising the training placement, but the host organisation must provide the contact details for applications and manage the recruitment process.
How will we assess the effectiveness of the training?
The trainee will be expected to keep a training record (including photo and/or video evidence) of work they have carried out. Towards the end of the training period, a formal assessment of the trainee must take place against the standards set out in the Machine Operator Training – Assessment Framework. It is expected that straightforward assessments will be carried out by the employer but where it is deemed appropriate, PAOs may also play a role in trainee assessment.
Criteria for evaluation of applications
Applicants must provide enough detail to enable their application to be assessed against these criteria. If the application does not meet the Mandatory criteria or scores less than 2 on any other criteria, it will be rejected. (Questions refer to questions in the Application Form).
Application assessment criteria
Score |
1. Ability to meet the timescale for The Project (Questions 6 and 17) | |
2. Description of the specific tasks and work-based experience offered, in proving a placement that is meaningful and provides relevant experience. (Question 5) | |
3. Description of the skills the trainee can expect to develop in the placement, including through structured on the job training, adding to the trainee’s existing skills and supporting future employment opportunities (Questions 10, 12) | |
4. Placement support structure, including mentoring, supervision and assessment by experienced individual(s), and intention to support trainee into the sector (Questions 13, 15 and 17) | |
5. Host business commitment to Fair Work principles (Question 16) | |
TOTAL SCORE (Out of a possible 20)
6. Commitment to minimum eligibility requirements for trainees, i.e. trainees will be resident in Scotland and not a current or past employee or family member. (Question 8) | Mandatory |
7. Commitment to ensuring that the placement(s) will meet skills requirements that participants do not already have and are not part of expected training for an existing job role (Question 11) | Mandatory |
8. Costs requested complies with minimum salary to be paid to trainee of £120/day gross. (Questions 8, 16) | Mandatory |
Scores will be awarded on the following basis:
Evaluation | Description | Scoring |
Outstanding | Response is completely relevant and excellent overall. It is comprehensive, unambiguous and demonstrates a thorough understanding of the requirement and provides robust detail and innovation. | 4 |
Good | Response is relevant and good. It is sufficiently detailed to demonstrate a good understanding and provides details on how the requirement will be fulfilled. | 3 |
Acceptable | Response is relevant and acceptable. It addresses a broad understanding of the requirement but may lack details in how the requirement will be fulfilled. | 2 |
Poor | Response is partially relevant but poor. It addresses some elements of the requirement but contains insufficient and/or limited explanation to demonstrate how the requirement will be fulfilled. | 1 |
Unacceptable | Nil or inadequate response. It fails to demonstrate an ability to meet the requirement. | 0 |
How to apply
If this is of interest to you, please submit a completed application form plus any further information you deem relevant to [email protected]. Applications must be submitted by the closing date of 11:59 on 14 October 2024.
Additional Information
Successful host businesses will be offered funding for a period of 6 weeks to support a training placement. Businesses will be paid in arrears for each full week in which the placement is hosted. If one or other of the parties to the placement terminates the arrangement, the funding support will terminate, unless a replacement is found for the training place. A replacement will only be accepted if at least 4 weeks of the training placement remains.