NatureScot Research Report 1273 - Development of Marine Bird Sensitivity Assessments for FeAST
Year of publication: 2021
Authors: Rogerson, K., Sinclair, R., Tyler, G., St John Glew, K., Seeney, A, Coppack, T. and Jervis, L.
Cite as: Rogerson, K., Sinclair, R., Tyler, G., St John Glew, K., Seeney, A, Coppack, T. and Jervis, L. 2021. Development of Marine Bird Sensitivity Assessments for FeAST. NatureScot Research Report 1273.
assessment; Aves; marine; pressures; recovery; seabird; sensitivity; tolerance; waterfowl
The Feature Activity Sensitivity Tool (FeAST) is a web-based application which allows users to investigate the sensitivity of marine features (habitats, species, geology and landforms) in Scottish seas, to pressures arising from human activities. The FeAST work is being supported through the FeAST Working Group (a subgroup of the Marine Biodiversity Programme Board) and is undergoing a review. The purpose of this tool is to enable high-level assessment of the sensitivity of features of conservation value, present in Scottish seas, to different human induced pressures. The ambition is to include all marine features of conservation importance; it currently only holds sensitivity information for features that were part of the initial work to designate the Nature Conservation Marine Protected Areas under the Marine (Scotland) Act 2010, and are predominantly benthic features. A programme of work to undertake sensitivity assessments for mobile marine species is underway, which includes marine birds.
NatureScot commissioned an update and quality assurance of Sensitivity Assessments for marine birds. The overall objective of this project is to complete Sensitivity Assessments for 36 marine bird species across 36 discrete human induced pressures for inclusion within FeAST. This includes evaluating and refining the existing feature sensitivity assessment methodology, originally used for benthic habitats, to ensure that it is applicable to marine birds and providing recommendations for improvements to future marine bird sensitivity assessments.
Main findings
- Sensitivity Assessments for 12 marine waterfowl species (divers, grebe, seaducks, mergansers) and 24 seabird species (gulls, terns, auks, skuas, petrels, shearwater, gannet, cormorant, shag) of 36 discrete pressures were completed.
- There were 162 “High” sensitivity scores across the 36 species, accounting for 19% of the scores. The pressures for which “High” was the majority score included: hydrocarbon and PAH contamination (64%), climate change (56%) and removal of non-target species (50%).
- There were 335 “Sensitive” (where lack of evidence prevented assigning High, Medium or Low) scores across the 36 species, accounting for 37% of the scores. The pressures for which “Sensitive” was the most common score were: physical loss (100%), wave exposure changes (97%), synthetic compound contamination (92%), transition elements and organo-metal contamination (81%), water flow changes (67%), nitrogen and phosphorous enrichment (64%), litter (61%), water clarity changes (53%) and introduction of light or shading (50%).
- The FeAST approach was applicable for assessing sensitivities of marine bird species to the majority of the human induced pressures. The methods took on recommendations from previous marine bird assessments for Natural England and the Scottish Seabird Conservation Strategy.
- The ‘Climate change’ pressure was a trial for this assessment; the methodology was modified from MarLIN (Garrard & Tyler-Walters, 2020) and used the five sub-pressures to create a summarised climate change evidence base for each marine bird species. An additional sub-pressure, indirect - prey, was included to deal with the climate change impacts on the bird feature via prey. An overall Sensitivity score was assigned for the pressure. Two of the sub-pressures had limited evidence available across species while the other four had evidence that allowed for the majority of species to have tolerance scores assessed.
- For a number of pressures, the quantitative benchmarks were too defined for marine bird species to be assessed against given the available evidence. In these cases, to be able to provide an assessment, a qualitative benchmark was used, phrased: “an emergence or presence of the pressure within the environment”. The resulting tolerance and sensitivity scores had low confidence scores.
- Pressures impacting marine bird species via their prey species would benefit from a literature review or sensitivity assessment on key prey species. The authors would recommend that this is undertaken prior to a future assessment of marine birds. This would ensure a greater understanding of the indirect pressures and ensure that full information is provided on the FeAST tool.
The authors wish to thank experts from NatureScot, Marine Scotland (MS), Marine Scotland Science (MSS) and the Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC) for their constructive and supportive comments during this project.
Project background
The Feature Activity Sensitivity Tool (FeAST) is a web-based application which allows users to investigate the sensitivity of marine features (habitats, species, geology and landforms) in Scottish seas, to pressures arising from human activities. The FeAST work is being supported through the FeAST Working Group (a subgroup of the Marine Biodiversity Programme Board) and is undergoing a review. The purpose of this tool is to enable high-level assessment of the sensitivity of features of conservation value, present in Scottish seas, to different human induced pressures. The ambition is to include all marine features of conservation importance; it currently only holds sensitivity information for features that were part of the work to designate the new Nature Conservation Marine Protected Areas under the Marine (Scotland) Act 2010 , and are predominantly benthic features. A programme of work to undertake sensitivity assessments for mobile marine species is underway, which includes marine birds
NatureScot commissioned an update and quality assurance of Sensitivity Assessments for marine birds which will feed into the Feature Activity Sensitivity Tool (FeAST). The overall objective of this project was to complete Sensitivity Assessments for 36 marine bird species across 36 discrete human induced pressures for inclusion within FeAST. This includes evaluating and refining the existing feature sensitivity assessment methodology, originally used for benthic habitats, to ensure that it is applicable to marine birds and providing recommendations for improvements to future marine bird sensitivity assessments.
In this project, each feature, a seabird or waterfowl species, was assessed against 36 discrete and standardised pressures and associated pressure benchmarks. A feature’s sensitivity was assessed by combining scores of a feature’s tolerance (resistance) and recovery (resilience) to the pressure concerned, to derive an overall sensitivity score following a method modified from Tillin et al. (2010) for benthic features in MarLIN (subsequently revised and now known as the MarESA method). Further work commissioned in 2019 by NatureScot to review the FeAST methodology and its applicability to mobile species, focussing on cetaceans, seals and fish, provided suggested refinements (Sinclair et al. 2020). FeAST eventually aims to incorporate Sensitivity Assessments for all marine features of conservation importance in Scottish seas, including Priority Marine Features (PMFs) and protected species and habitats within all Marine Protected Areas (MPAs). To date the only sensitivity assessment currently available in FeAST for marine birds is for black guillemot which will be reviewed as and refined as part of this project.
In 2015, draft marine bird Sensitivity Assessments were compiled using evidence gathered to develop Sensitivity Assessments for designated sites in England (Perez-Dominguez et al. 2016). These draft 2015 Sensitivity Assessments were then utilised and updated to align with FeAST ongoing work in 2019 as part of the Scottish Seabird Conservation Strategy (SSCS) for a selection of seabird species.
Aims and objectives
The overall aim of this project was to complete Sensitivity Assessments for 36 marine bird species, for inclusion within FeAST. The seabird and waterfowl species assessed are provided in Table 1.
The overall aim of the project was achieved through the following objectives:
- Collate and Quality Assure (QA) data from 2015 and 2019 draft Sensitivity Assessments;
- Carry out literature reviews and generate updated evidence bases for all listed species and pressures;
- Update or provide Sensitivity Assessments for all species and pressures;
- Provide expert opinion on methodologies, including NatureScot and JNCC’s initial scoping (Annex 4 – Indirect pressures scoped by NatureScot and JNCC and Annex 5 – Benchmarks) of pressures and pressure benchmarks relevant to marine birds, and provide clear recommendations for improvements to future marine bird sensitivity assessments.
The project resulted in the following outputs:
- Report and draft assessments for three species to pilot the methodology;
- Thirty-six Sensitivity Assessments for the listed species;
- Final report providing full and detailed methodology.
Table 1. List of seabird and waterfowl species included in the Sensitivity Assessments
Seabird species
Common name |
Scientific name |
Arctic skua |
Stercorarius parasiticus |
Arctic tern |
Sterna paradisaea |
Atlantic puffin |
Fratercula arctica |
Black-headed gull |
Chroicocephalus ridibundus |
Black-legged kittiwake |
Rissa tridactyla |
Black guillemot |
Cepphus grylle |
Common gull |
Larus canus |
Common guillemot |
Uria aalge |
Common tern |
Sterna hirundo |
European storm petrel |
Hydrobates pelagicus |
European shag |
Phalacrocorax aristotelis |
Great cormorant |
Phalacrocorax carbo |
Great black-backed gull |
Larus marinus |
Great skua |
Stercorarius skua |
Herring gull |
Larus argentatus |
Leach's storm petrel |
Oceanodroma leucorhoa |
Lesser black-backed gull |
Larus fuscus |
Little gull |
Hydrocoloeus minutus |
Little tern |
Sternula albifrons |
Manx shearwater |
Puffinus puffinus |
Northern fulmar |
Fulmarus glacialis |
Northern gannet |
Morus bassanus |
Razorbill |
Alca torda |
Sandwich tern |
Thalasseus sandvicensis |
Waterfowl species
Common name |
Scientific name |
Black-throated diver |
Gavia arctica |
Common scoter |
Melanitta nigra |
Common eider |
Somateria mollissima |
Common goldeneye |
Bucephala clangula |
Goosander |
Mergus merganser |
Great northern diver |
Gavia immer |
Long-tailed duck |
Clangula hyemalis |
Red-breasted merganser |
Mergus serrator |
Red-throated diver |
Gavia stellata |
Greater scaup |
Aythya marila |
Slavonian grebe |
Podiceps auritus |
Velvet scoter |
Melanitta fusca |
Pilot study to test methodology with three species
Three species were initially assessed to determine the suitability of existing methods for creating Sensitivity Assessments for marine birds within a FeAST template. These were European shag, common guillemot and black-legged kittiwake. They were chosen as they are well-studied species. This pilot of the methodology allowed the team to provide expert opinion on the sensitivity assessment methodologies and the initial scoping of pressures and pressure benchmarks by NatureScot and JNCC, and to discuss these with the Project Steering Group (PSG) prior to the rest of the listed species being assessed. Reviewers from NatureScot, MS, and JNCC provided feedback and comments on outputs of the assessments.
The points raised from the pilot study and the refinement to the methods used for all marine bird assessments are outlined in Annex 1 – Method refinements after pilot study of three species; including what the method refinement was, a discussion to evidence why the refinement was required and how the refined approach was adopted for the remaining assessments.
Objective 1 – Collate and QA data from 2015 and 2019 draft Sensitivity Assessments
For each species and pressure, previous evidence base text and literature summaries from the existing draft assessments were copied into a new document. The existing assessments for both breeding and non-breeding seasons for each bird feature were checked. Where evidence differed between seasons (breeding and non-breeding), all evidence base paragraphs and reference lists were incorporated into the new assessments. All references which were previously used were saved into a species-specific bibliography and marked with the relevant pressure. All references were searched for using Google Scholar and all available PDF documents were downloaded into species and pressure specific folders to be used in the sensitivity assessment process. This process was a key step to allow the previous sensitivity assessments to be critically assessed and updated.
Objective 2 – Carry out a literature review and generate an updated evidence base for all listed species and pressures
Literature search
A robust and replicable method was developed to compile a concise and relevant evidence base to use in the assessments. A series of stages for the literature search, outlined in detail in Annex 2 – Literature search methodology, were undertaken to gather new literature from published peer reviewed and grey literature.
Literature review and evidence bases
For each pressure, previous 2015 and 2019 Sensitivity Assessment evidence base paragraphs and literature summaries were critically reviewed. If anything was unclear or information was missing, the original references were consulted to allow clarification. All newly downloaded references were studied, and short summaries were written where relevant. Notes were also made on whether the reference referred to the species directly or a proxy species (i.e. related species, species with similar ecologies) and to the geographic region the study focused on. The “All species” pressure folder (a collation of references containing evidence applicable to all bird species) was also checked for any relevant references for the selected species.
Using the previous evidence base paragraphs as a template, a new evidence base paragraph was written for all pressures for each species, taking into account both the original and new literature. Where old references were deemed no longer relevant, or where new species-specific references were able to replace older, less specific references, these citations were removed, and the references were removed from the species-specific bibliography. All new citations were added to the bibliography.
For each pressure, if there was little or no evidence then applicable statements from proxy species were used to create an evidence base that could be assessed. The proxy species were taken from species within the same guild, species group or those birds with similar ecology. A full list of species and the birds used as a proxy are included in Annex 3 – Proxy species. If there was no evidence from proxy species, general statements for seabirds and waterfowl were found from the literature saved in the “All species” pressure folder. This approach allowed for as many pressures to be assessed as possible. See Recovery score section for information on how statements from proxy species influenced the confidence scores.
Evidence bases for indirect pressures
Human induced pressures do not always act directly on bird mortality or behaviour, pressures can act indirectly on the bird features by impacting on their prey species. Indirect pressures are not applicable to benthic features, the main features covered to date within FeAST. It is a difficult concept to evaluate, and the ‘Reduction in prey’ pressure was trialled for mobile species by Sinclair et al. (2020). The use of indirect pressures and the ‘Reduction in prey’ pressure was investigated further in this project.
NatureScot and JNCC provided a list of pressures scoped as being pressures that have no direct effects on seabird and waterfowl species (Annex 4 – Indirect pressures scoped by NatureScot and JNCC) and potential impacts would be included under the ‘Reduction in prey’ pressure. APEM agreed with the pressures scoped as having an indirect effect on marine bird species. For these indirect pressures listed in Annex 4 – Indirect pressures scoped by NatureScot and JNCC, no specific literature review was performed. The evidence base starts with a clear statement that there is ‘No direct sensitivity’ to the pressure and scores the species as Not Sensitive. The evidence base then describes the bird features prey species. The prey species of the feature were assessed from the BTO Bird Facts website (Robinson, 2005) and results of a literature review of diets of wintering waterfowl undertaken by the BTO (Woodward & Humphreys, 2018) for NatureScot. The evidence base concludes with a link to the ‘Reduction in prey’ pressure and if suitable a link to sandeel FeAST assessment. No high, medium or low score is provided for indirect sensitivity. Evidence is then provided under the ‘Reduction in prey’ pressure on the impact that changes in prey has or may have on the marine bird species in question.
Evidence bases for the Climate Change pressure
The pressure ‘Climate change’ was a trial for this sensitivity assessment. The five MarLIN categories (Garrard & Tyler-Walters, 2020) were used as sub-pressures to be able to focus on relevant literature for different aspects of climate change as well as the studies that focus on climate change as a combination of all the sub-pressures. The methodology was modified from MarLIN (Garrard & Tyler-Walters, 2020) and used the five sub-pressures to create a summarised climate change evidence base for each marine bird species. An additional sub-pressure, indirect - prey, was included to deal with the climate change impacts on the bird feature via prey. An overall Sensitivity score was assigned for the pressure. Two of the sub-pressures had limited evidence available across species while the other four had evidence that allowed for the majority of species to have tolerance scores assessed.
Objective 3 – Update or provide Sensitivity Assessments for all species and pressures
Assessments and scores
The process used in developing the sensitivity assessments involves a systematic process of:
- examining the biology or ecology of the species concerned (the ‘feature’);
- compiling evidence of the effect of a given pressure on the species in question;
- assessing the likely sensitivity of the feature to the pressure against standard scales;
- documenting the evidence used; and
- justifying the assessments.
The category descriptions for tolerance and recovery are detailed within tables in the following section along with the sensitivity matrix, which shows how the two assessments are combined to reach a final sensitivity score. Each bird feature’s tolerance to a pressure was assessed at a defined intensity of pressure (the pressure benchmark) and the feature’s recovery was based on its ecology. Specifically, the tolerance score was assessed on how likely the pressure would impact the species at a population level not at an individual level.
Recovery score
For the existing 2015 Sensitivity Assessments undertaken by Natural England, all seabirds received a “low” recovery score, the score was assessed using a scoring system based on life history traits. The ‘Very low’ recovery score in the existing FeAST methodology wasn’t used for marine birds because it was not considered useful in describing their life-history strategies. Scoring ‘low’ and ‘very low’ for recovery both produce the same overall sensitivity score in the matrix and so not using the ‘Very low’ category for birds does not affect the overall sensitivity scoring that could result. However, references to ‘very low’ have been left in the sensitivity scoring matrix table to keep consistency and align with the other FeAST feature categories (benthic species, habitats, mammals etc).
For the current assessments, where the impact of the pressure is mortality, the recovery score was determined using the same approach and the criteria in Table 2. The recovery definitions (Table 2) minus inclusion of the ‘Very low’ FeAST category, are aligned with those currently being used for FeAST for other features (benthic and mammals) but some life-history criteria have also been included because as part of the 2019 assessment updates for the seabird conservation strategy. It was found that having reference to these life-history criteria was a really helpful guide when scoring recovery.
For all species, lifespan, clutch size and survival rates were checked using British Trust of Ornithology’s (BTO) Bird Facts (Robinson, 2005) and the EURING bird ringing database (Fransson et al. 2010). If the criteria for recovery potential crossed over between two categories, the category with the most criteria was chosen. If the criteria for recovery potential were split evenly between two recovery categories, as a precaution, the category with lowest recovery potential score was selected. All seabirds have a low recovery score because of their long-lived and low natural adult mortality life history traits, however some marine waterfowl were assessed as having medium recovery potential because of their moderate lifespans and young age of first breeding.
Table 2. Criteria and levels for recovery score
Recovery potential |
Low recovery potential |
Medium recovery potential |
High recovery potential |
Definition |
Full recovery expected within 10-25 years. |
Full recovery expected within 2-10 years. |
Full recovery expected within 2 years. |
Lifespan |
Long- lived (10 years +) |
Moderate lifespans (5-10 years) |
Short-lived (up to 5 years) |
Age at first maturity |
Deferred maturity (first breeds when more than 3 years old) |
First breeds when 2-3 years old |
First breeds at one year of age |
Adult mortality rate |
Low natural mortality (<15%) |
Moderate natural mortality rate (15-25%) |
High natural annual mortality (>25%) |
Fecundity / reproductive success |
Low reproductive output (<2 chicks per pair per annum) |
Moderate reproductive output (2-5 chicks per pair per annum) |
High reproductive output (>5 chicks per pair per annum) |
*The species need not meet every criteria within the life-history strategy, but should meet at least one. E.g. shags have more than two chicks per clutch, but are still defined as ‘Low’ recovery potential.
Tolerance score
Using the evidence base paragraph and the benchmarks for each pressure (Annex 5 – Benchmarks), a tolerance score was determined for each pressure and species combination using the criteria in Table 3. The tolerance scoring criteria follows the tolerance definitions from Perez-Dominguez et al. (2016) and are consistent with the existing FeAST definitions, including those used for the black guillemot assessment that currently exists in FeAST. The sensitivity scores from the existing draft assessments were used as a guide to the new score, however, in the majority of cases new evidence was included in the evidence bases and therefore the score was expected to change. If there was no specific evidence on population decline, changes to mortality or breeding success were included in the evidence base and the assessment of tolerance was based on perceived severity of the pressure to the feature’s population using expert judgement. A precautionary approach was taken, therefore if there was evidence for different severities of impact for a pressure then the worst-case scenario was assumed resulting in a cautious tolerance score.
All literature reviews and tolerance scores were determined by APEM senior consultants. Pressures for a single species were assessed and scored by the same person to maintain consistency of scoring across a species.
If the benchmark was quantitative and the evidence base did not contain enough information to assess tolerance at the benchmark, the benchmark was changed to “an emergence or presence of the pressure within the environment”. This alteration allowed for tolerance scores to be given to pressures which at a quantitative benchmark may not have been able to be assessed due to insufficient evidence (See Annex 1 – Method refinements after pilot study of three species for a discussion on benchmarks).
Within the FeAST template, the “Evidence source” column was also completed with the type of literature used defined by the following categories:
- Directly relevant peer reviewed literature;
- Directly relevant grey literature;
- Inference from studies on comparable habitats species, gears or geographical areas;
- Expert judgement.
The evidence bases could contain multiple sources, the most common being “Directly relevant peer reviewed literature” and “Directly relevant grey literature”. If the assessment of the evidence required “Expert judgement” that was also included in the “Evidence Source” column.
Table 3. Criteria and levels for tolerance score
Tolerance Score |
Definition |
None |
A severe decline (>50%) in the estimated size of the local population as a result of increased mortality, reduced reproductive success, displacement or any other mechanism |
Low |
A significant decline (>10 and ≤50%) in the estimated size of the local population as a result of increased mortality, reduced reproductive success, displacement or any other mechanism. |
Medium |
A moderate decline (loss of up to 10%) in the estimated size of the local population as a result of increased mortality, reduced reproductive success, displacement or any other mechanism. |
High |
No population decline is expected. Effects affecting key functional and physiological attributes of the species (e.g. food intake rate, energy expenditure rate) may occur but are buffered from feeding through to changed rates of reproduction or mortality and hence population size by virtue of species’ flexibility to respond to the pressure e.g. by redistribution, dietary shifts, increased foraging effort, etc. |
Sensitivity Score
Tolerance and Recovery scores were combined using the sensitivity scoring matrix (Table 4), to provide the final Sensitivity Score for each species and pressure. The scoring matrix is consistent with the existing FeAST application and the authors determined that no changes were required for marine bird features.
In addition, if evidence for a pressure was insufficient to assign a final tolerance score but the expert judgement determined there was a concern over potential impacts on the feature, the Sensitivity Score was assessed as “Sensitive” (Table 5) [Note, this approach wasn’t applicable to recovery scores because recovery scoring is based on life-history trait facts rather than available literature evidence]. “Sensitive” scores were assigned for evidence bases where there was little or no specific evidence to support a definitive Tolerance score, this included evidence bases with no species-specific information and limited proxy species statements, that had species-specific information but limited evidence to support a Tolerance score, or that concentrated on general statements for marine birds for that pressure. The “Sensitive” score allowed for the majority of pressures across the marine bird features to be scored instead of assigning the “Not Assessed” category; it also allowed for the assessors to be precautionary when a population decline could be expected from the pressure, but evidence was limited. When a “Sensitive” score was assessed for a pressure no Tolerance score was provided.
The Sensitivity Score was “Not assessed” (Table 5) if the available evidence were insufficient to determine a tolerance score and expert judgement was not able to determine a “Sensitive” score.
Table 4. Matrix to calculate sensitivity score
- |
No Tolerance (none) |
Low Tolerance |
Medium Tolerance |
High Tolerance |
Very Low* Recovery |
High |
High |
Medium |
Low |
Low Recovery |
High |
High |
Medium |
Low |
Medium Recovery |
Medium |
Medium |
Medium |
Low |
High Recovery |
Medium |
Low |
Low |
Not Sensitive |
*“Very Low” was not used in recovery assessments for marine birds.
Table 5. Sensitivity scores and definitions
Name |
Definition |
High |
A feature is assessed as having high sensitivity where the pressure causes severe or significant mortality of a species population. If recovery is possible, the feature is anticipated to have a recovery of low or very low. |
Medium |
Features with medium sensitivity are those characterised by medium tolerance and no to low recovery or no to low tolerance and medium to high recovery. |
Low |
Features with low sensitivity are those with high tolerance or where recovery from any impacts caused by pressure is high and tolerance is low or medium. |
Sensitive |
Not enough information is available to complete one of the sensitivity assessment stages to give a final score, but due to concern over potential impacts on feature it has been assessed as sensitive. |
Not Sensitive |
Features with high tolerance and high recovery from the impacts caused by pressure are considered Not Sensitive at the benchmark described. |
Not Assessed |
Where the evidence available with which to undertake a sensitivity assessment is extremely limited, poorly understood or completely absent. There may still be an obvious pathway for interaction/impact OR the pressure description is not applicable to the feature and no obvious pathway of interaction exists - explained further in evidence. |
Confidence score
Separate confidence scores were determined for both Recovery and Tolerance scores. The confidence for the Tolerance score was based on the newly created evidence base and an evidence confidence score was assigned for each species and pressure pairing (Table 6). The three criteria for assessing confidence scores were evaluated separately and combined for an overall confidence score. This method is different to the FeAST approach and was created during the 2019 assessment updates for the seabird conservation strategy as it provided a clear guide to reach a definitive score. Scores greater than 12 resulted in a “high” confidence score, if scores fell between 6 and 12, a “medium” confidence score was given, and if scores were less than 6, a “low” confidence score was given.
For the confidence for the Recovery score, all species were likely to receive a “high” confidence score for recovery score because the key information on marine bird breeding and survival is established (cf. Robinson, 2005; Woodward & Humphreys, 2018). The confidence would be “medium” or “low” if it were not possible to access evidence for the majority of aspects of the recovery score. The tolerance confidence score was “low” if proxy species statements were used or if only general species statements were applicable instead of species-specific information within the evidence base. The confidence scores for the Recovery and Tolerance scores were combined to produce a final sensitivity confidence score (Table 7).
Table 6. Criteria and levels for confidence scores
Evidence confidence assessment* |
Quality of Information Sources |
Applicability of evidence |
Degree of Concordance |
High |
Based on Peer Reviewed papers (observational or experimental) or grey literature reports by established agencies on the feature Score = 5 |
Assessment based on the same pressures arising from similar activities, acting on the same type of feature in comparable areas (i.e. Ireland, UK) Score = 5 |
Evidence agrees on the direction and magnitude of impact Score = 5 |
Medium |
Based on some peer reviewed papers but relies heavily on grey literature or expert judgement on feature or similar features Score = 3 |
Assessment based on similar pressures on the feature in other areas Score = 3 |
Evidence agrees on direction but not magnitude of impact Score = 3 |
Low |
Based on expert judgement, which is not clearly documented Score = 1 |
Assessment based on proxies for pressures, e.g. natural disturbance events Score = 1 |
Evidence does not agree on concordance or magnitude Score = 1 |
*The final rank is given based on the summed scores across the three components of the assessment i.e. quality, applicability and concordance: Maximum combined score 15; Minimum score 3.
Table 7. Matrix to calculate sensitivity confidence score
- |
Low confidence in Tolerance score |
Medium confidence in Tolerance score |
High confidence in Tolerance score |
Low confidence in Recovery score |
Low |
Low |
Low |
Medium confidence in Recovery score |
Low |
Medium |
Medium |
High confidence in Recovery score |
Low |
Medium |
High |
Quality assurance
A double stage QA process was undertaken for each species and pressure to reduce subjectivity bias and to ensure a robust approach. All tolerance scores for all pressures were assigned independently for one species by a single senior consultant. All evidence paragraphs were then assessed by a second senior consultant and an independent tolerance score given. Both scores were then provided to APEM’s expert ornithologist to assign a final score. The initial QA was carried out for all pressures for an entire species to ensure consistency of scoring among pressures. The second QA was carried out across pressures to compare scores given within groups of species, to ensure a similar approach had been applied across all species for the same pressure (Annex 3 – Proxy species). The decision criteria used by APEM’s expert ornithologist to assign the final tolerance score were briefly summarised in a sentence at the end of the evidence base. The recovery score was also outlined in text. The final sensitivity scores and corresponding confidence scores were calculated independently by an APEM consultant to ensure that the QA stages were not influenced by knowledge of the resulting sensitivity score.
During the assessment of evidence bases, the assessors also judged if the evidence (for all pressures originally scoped as having a direct effect on the features) suggested a pressure was only acting on the feature in an indirect way, i.e. by impacting the bird’s prey species. The QA procedures allowed for three independent consultants to decide whether a pressure acted directly or indirectly on a species. If all consultants agreed the evidence only pointed to the pressure acting indirectly on a species (with no expert judgement suggesting a direct effect), the pressure was marked “No direct effects”. For these pressures, the evidence base was changed to be the same as other indirect pressures (see Evidence bases for indirect pressures section for text). In instances where the feature is considered to be both directly and indirectly sensitive to the pressure, the scores were given using the tolerance and recovery scores in the usual way and any indirect sensitivities explained in the evidence base too (but not scored).
PSG review
On completion of the Sensitivity Assessments for the 36 marine bird species a review of the assessments was undertaken by the PSG (NatureScot and JNCC ornithologists).
The reviewers assessed the Assessments and provided feedback and comments. This included: reviewing of literature used in the evidence base and recommendations for missed papers and reports and suggestions of changes to rewording in evidence base to confirm emphasis. The review process allowed for the scoring methodologies to be interactively reviewed and adapted in the course of the project, for example the reviewers highlighted scores that would be better to be “Sensitive” rather than assess a Tolerance score.
The reviewer’s feedback and comments were assessed and implemented by APEM consultants.
Objective 4: Provide expert opinion on methodologies, scoping of pressures and pressure benchmarks
This objective was reached by reviewing the methodologies, pressures and pressure benchmarks during the process of creating Sensitivity Assessments for 36 marine bird species. The methodologies, pressures and benchmarks were reviewed as part of the pilot study (Pilot study to test methodology with three species section) and the refinements and decisions are documented in Annex 1 – Method refinements after pilot study of three species. In relation to the route of impact of the human induced pressures, the pressures were continually reviewed by the evidence bases created for each species and pressure pairing, this allowed for pressures to be assigned as having indirect for each species separately.
The discussion and recommendations section provides opinions for future steps to improve the Sensitivity Assessments for marine bird species.
The 36 final Sensitivity Assessments for each of the listed species constitute the results of this project. The drafts were provided to NatureScot on 12th February 2021 for review and revised assessments were provided on 22nd March 2021.
Summary of Sensitivity Assessments
The assessments highlighted pressures that marine bird species are highly sensitive to. Across the 25 pressures scoped as having a direct negative impact on marine bird species, 15 pressures were scored as “High” sensitivity for at least one species. There were 162 “High” scores across the 36 species, accounting for 19% of the scores. The pressures for which “High” was the majority score included: hydrocarbon and PAH contamination (64%), climate change (56%) and removal of non-target species (50%). Only one pressure had a majority of “Low” sensitivity scores; underwater noise had 50% “Low” scores, with the rest being “Sensitive” or “Medium”.
The “Sensitive” score was the most common Sensitivity Score, accounting for 335 species-pressure combinations across the 36 species, approximately 37% of the 900 species-pressure combinations available (excluding the indirect pressures and “Introduction of other substances”). Pressures for which “Sensitive” was the majority score included: physical loss (100%), wave exposure changes (97%), synthetic compound contamination (92%), transition elements and organo-metal contamination (81%), water flow changes (67%), nitrogen and phosphorous enrichment (64%), litter (61%), water clarity changes (53%) and introduction of light or shading (50%). The evidence for these pressures was generally insufficient to assign a final tolerance score with medium to high confidence, but expert judgement raised concerns over potential impacts, resulting in a precautionary “Sensitive” scoring.
The ‘Reduction in prey’ pressure that was introduced into the methods for FeAST assessments for mobile species by Sinclair et al. (2020) was used in the assessments of marine bird species. No further refinements on the method were made as it was fit for purpose and was able to present evidence for the population effects of prey declines. Across the 36 species, 36% had a High sensitivity and 31% had Medium Sensitivity scores, with the remainder being scored “Sensitive”.
Two pressures were often scored as “Not assessed” across the marine bird species. ‘Radionuclide contamination’ was scored as “Not assessed” when there was no literature on the impacts of this pressure on the bird species and no concerns over potential impacts were raised by the expert. The three diver species and grebe were assessed to have “Low” sensitivity to the ‘Radionuclide contamination’ pressure as there was some evidence for this species group. ‘Siltation rate changes (heavy)’ was commonly scored as “Not assessed” although 11 species received Sensitivity scores for this pressure. Out of the 11 scores, eight were “Sensitive” and three were “Low”.
Comparison with draft assessment scores
The majority of sensitivity scores did not differ between the existing draft assessments and this current assessment. Pressures that were scored for sensitivity in the current assessment but were not assigned a score in the draft assessments were underwater noise, water clarity changes, water flow changes and wave exposure changes. These pressures benefited from the inclusion of more literature although the majority of sensitivity scores were “Sensitive” suggesting evidence was still limited or unavailable but based on expert judgement there is concern about the potential impacts of the pressure on the feature. In addition, sensitivities to pressures that were Not Assessed previously remained unscored in this assessment for the pressures: emergence regime, physical loss, radionuclide contamination and siltation rate changes (heavy).
Refinements to methodology
The updates to methodology used for the sensitivity assessments, which were first outlined after the pilot study (Annex 1 – Method refinements after pilot study of three species), are included in Annex 6 – Methodology and principles applied in developing final sensitivity assessments (updated from the original methods outlined in the project proposal).
The five MarLIN categories (Garrard & Tyler-Walters, 2020) were used as sub-pressures to be able to focus on relevant literature for different aspects of climate change as well as the studies that focus on climate change as a combination of all the sub-pressures. A sixth sub-pressure of “indirect - prey” was also included for birds to highlight when the literature focused on the ways climate change pressure can influence the feature by impacts on their prey species. In these assessments, an overall score was assigned for climate change; this differs from the MarLIN method which assigned scores for each sub-pressure (Garrard & Tyler-Walters, 2020).
The use of the six sub-pressures for ‘Climate change’ was successful for marine bird species and evidence was found across the species. Across the 36 species, the majority of species had enough evidence for a Tolerance score to be assigned, only three were scored with “Sensitive” as not enough evidence was available to score Tolerance. Recovery was scored based on life history traits, as per the other pressures, however it is acknowledged that the pressures resulting from climate change will not be removed to return to the previous state to allow population recovery. This fact should be considered further in future work on refining the use of the Climate Change pressure for species sensitivity assessments.
The ‘Reduction in prey’ pressure that was introduced into the methods for FeAST assessments for mobile species by Sinclair et al. (2020) was used in the assessments of marine bird species. No further refinements on the method were made as it was fit for purpose as it was possible to present evidence for the population effects of prey declines. Across the 36 species, 36% had a High sensitivity and 31% had Medium Sensitivity scores, with the remainder being scored “Sensitive”.
Pressure benchmarks were used to score the tolerance and sensitivity of a species for each pressure. The majority of draft pressure benchmarks were suitable for marine birds (Annex 5 – Benchmarks). Annex 5 highlights the benchmarks and contains the accepted additions to the draft benchmarks from the project proposal. In discussion with the PSG, changes included additions of ghost-fishing gear in the litter pressure and entanglement with live fishing gear included in the removal of non-target species pressure. However, for pressures with specific quantitative benchmarks it was not possible to always score the tolerance of a species because the evidence needed for the benchmark were not available. For these pressures, the benchmark was defined qualitatively: an emergence or presence of the pressure within the environment. The pressures for which we used a qualitative benchmark were: temperature changes (national/regional), underwater noise, water clarity changes and water flow changes. These pressures were also those with limited amounts of evidence available and high proportions of “Sensitive” scores.
In addition, regarding the ‘Underwater noise’ pressure, we found limited evidence of the behavioural changes of birds to underwater noise in order to be used to help create a more in-depth and appropriate benchmark. In these assessments, expert judgement and evidence of foraging behaviour were used for to be able to provide a Sensitivity score.
The “Sensitive” score was extremely beneficial for the marine bird Sensitive Assessments, without it over a third of the species-pressure combinations would have been categorised as Not Assessed. The “Sensitive” score was used when there was very limited evidence and only expert judgement could be used to suggest a concern of a negative impact of a pressure on a marine bird species. This enabled the assessors to remain precautionary in their judgements and provide a score emphasising caution around the human induced pressure for the named species when evidence on population effects were not available and expert judgement could not indicate the exact population effect to define a tolerance score. The use of the score indicates that there are some issues from human activities which are lacking research into their population effects for marine bird species.
The pressure ‘Removal of target species’ is difficult to assess for marine bird species. Expert opinion differs between assessing all species as “Not Sensitive” because hunting is illegal (e.g. Sinclair et al, 2020 – assessments for mammals and basking shark) to assigning all species with a High Sensitivity because if hunting was legal the impacts could be devastating. There is very little exposure to hunting or removal of eggs in the UK however there is evidence from hunting and removal of the species outside of the UK. The PSG decided that this evidence would be included and used within the assessments, with confidence score being influenced by the location of the evidence. In the draft assessments in 2015 and 2019, the removal of target species pressure was assessed as low tolerance, as there would be a large impact on the population if the species is being hunted. However, in this assessment the lack of exposure to hunting was taken into account when assessing the Tolerance score, allowing for species to have medium sensitivity scores.
Limitations of the study
NatureScot & JNCC ornithologists (PSG) highlighted the common use of the “medium” confidence score, including pressures that have evidence bases using different evidence sources. This is an artefact of the scoring used to calculate confidence scores for the Tolerance score (Table 7). The “medium” score can include evidence bases that use lots of literature, with literature focusing on different geographic regions and/or related species or evidence bases that include fewer papers and reports but is focused on the exact species and exact geographic area. The “Evidence source” statements can be used to differentiate between types of evidence used. FeAST users therefore need to read all the supporting evidence to inform accurate application of the sensitivity scores.
The method for the structured literature search in this study is robust, reproducible and provides clear evidence bases, however, it should be noted that there are limitations to these methods with a balance to be struck between inclusion of exhaustive list of keywords and likelihood of finding key evidence. From the PSG review, some papers and grey literature were highlighted as missing from the evidence bases. The pressures for which missing literature was highlighted and the missing references then included in the evidence bases can be found in Annex 7 – Literature included after PSG review. The addition of the references after the PSG review did not result in Sensitivity scores changing. Although, the species names were included in the papers, these papers were still not picked up in the literature search. For future assessments, the key words used in the literature search for each pressure should be added to or amended to avoid key papers being missed in the initial literature search. This would ensure that the literature used to create the Sensitivity Assessments is found in a reproducible method rather than relying on knowledge that might not be available for future assessments. In addition, literature focusing on species with similar names were found with our searches; for example, searches for great cormorant also highlighted literature on double-crested cormorant. However, literature on similar species with no similarities in their common names were not found and could not be included in the evidence base as proxy species, for example gannet and other sulids. Recommendations for changes to literature searches are outlined in Literature search section.
Recommendations for future work
Wider FeAST assessments
For future work within FeAST, it is recommended that Sensitivity Assessments or in-depth literature reviews are undertaken to provide evidence of impacts across pressures for marine bird prey species, including fish species, molluscs, crustaceans, and invertebrates. Indirect impacts, from large-scale and long-term changes to prey abundance and quality, may have more serious impacts on marine bird populations than locally acting direct impacts. A key bird prey species, sandeel, is included as a feature with its own sensitivity assessment within FeAST, and it is useful for the users of the FeAST tool to be able to link to assessments of the prey species for the pressures which directly impact marine birds. It would greatly benefit future assessments of the marine bird species to fully understand the pressures which act on them via prey, those that impact them both indirectly and directly and be able to link the FeAST tool users between the different species assessments. For example, in this assessment the pressure siltation rate changes (heavy) were categorised as Not Assessed for the majority of species because of limited evidence of impact, including impacts via prey species. If Sensitivity Assessments were available for key prey species it would be easier to highlight whether this pressure impacted on marine birds indirectly.
In the marine bird assessments, Tolerance and Sensitivity scores were assessed by examining population impacts of the human-induced pressures. In future assessments, the links between the evidence and the population impacts could be made more explicit by stating the estimated impact, e.g. < or > 10% with some explanation of why could be included at the end of the evidence bases. Although, this would require the definition of clear decision rules based on evidence to align subjective expert judgements. This would involve extra work for the assessors but could improve the comparability of assessments among species
The authors would recommend that a questionnaire is issued to the users of FeAST to understand from their perspective which is the most important aspect of the tool. For example, they may concentrate on the score rather than the detailed text in the evidence base or they may want more explicit statements in the text to draw from the evidence clear decisions on how the score was determined.
Indirect pressures
At the outset of this project, APEM agreed with the pressures scoped as having an indirect effect on marine bird species. After the pilot study of three species, a few other pressures were highlighted as possibly having indirect pressures (Annex 1 – Method refinements after pilot study of three species). However, after completing all species assessments and allowing for use of proxy species statements and statements for general marine bird species, only one pressure, emergence regime, was considered to be an indirect pressure for all species. No evidence was found to support emergence regime as a direct pressure on the 36 marine bird species assessed. For future assessments, the authors would recommend that this pressure could be considered indirect from the beginning, see Annex 8 – Addition of emergence regime as indirect pressure for future assessments for the addition of emergence regime as an indirect pressure.
The indirect pressures were categorised as human induced pressures that would have an impact on prey species that would in turn influence marine bird species’ populations. However, human induced pressures could also act indirectly on the bird species through influencing competition with other seabirds and influencing natural predators (in particular avian predators). The authors would recommend the consideration of including a new pressure in FeAST to capture the influences of these issues on marine bird species in future assessments. For instance, a pressure called ‘Change in predation’ could be used to show evidence that changes to predation rates influence populations, e.g. this pressure would capture the evidence of changes to mortality of skuas that feed on smaller seabirds, and would provide an option to link between species that interact via predator-prey relationships.
Literature search
The majority of the literature found in relation to marine birds and the pressure ‘Physical loss’ focused on loss of land habitats instead of the centring on loss of marine habitats. Therefore, in order to find relevant literature in future assessments, we recommend some additions to the key words for this pressure including: “land reclamation” and “marine-freshwater transition”.
We would recommend specific proxy species literature searches for future assessments. If proxy statements are required, when species-specific evidence is lacking, another literature search could be undertaken using the names of the most suitable proxy species. This would ensure that evidence statements and Sensitivity Assessments would include all relevant evidence without relying on proxy statements being available from other species being assessed for FeAST at the same time.
The pressure ‘Introduction of other substances’ was not assessed for any species as it was beyond the scope of this project. We recommend including some extra key words into the literature searches for the ‘Synthetic compound contamination’ pressure to include these substances that were not systematically included within this pressure (although were included in some evidence bases).
Poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) are environmental contaminants and in the early 2000s they were shown to be ubiquitous in the Arctic and were classified as contaminants of emerging concern (Muir et al. 2019). PFASs are used in a variety of manufacturing processes. There are studies showing presence in the environment and in seabird tissues, although no evidence on how the contaminant influences survival and breeding was found. These chemicals are likely to be considered under the pressure ‘Synthetic compound contamination’ although “organofluorine” might be considered to be included in the keywords that are searched for in future assessments.
Halogenated hydrocarbon, hexachlorobutadiene (HCBD), is a by-product of the creation of chlorinated solvents. Due its similarities with persistent organic pollutants (POPs) HCBD has been listed for global regulation under the Stockholm Convention (Balmer et al. 2019). Current literature suggests seabirds have higher concentrations of HCBD than fish and marine mammals indicating that the compound bioaccumulates. There is no indication of how HCBD contamination will influence seabird or waterfowl survival and breeding, but this chemical could be included under the pressure ‘Synthetic compound contamination’ if “halogenated hydrocarbon” is included in the literature searches of future assessments.
The study of chlorinated paraffins (CPs) have been made easier with developments in technology; the compounds are used as flame retardants, sealants and plasticisers and have been produced heavily since the 1930s (Vorkamp et al. 2019). CP concentrations have been determined in seabird tissues and eggs as well as fish and marine mammals. There is currently no evidence of the effects of CP contamination on seabird survival or breeding. CPs could be included in the pressure ‘Synthetic compound contamination’ if “chlorinated paraffins” is included in the literature searches of future assessments.
Recommendations for specific human induced pressures
Radionuclide contamination and Siltation rate changes (heavy)
These two pressures had limited evidence in this assessment and for the majority of species a tolerance and sensitivity score could not be assessed. In future assessments, the authors would recommend it would be important to undertake detailed literature searches of these topics, without focusing on specific marine bird species, to be able to understand if the literature has advanced and whether the pressures should be included in future assessments.
Climate Change
We found that the majority of the evidence for the ‘Climate change’ pressure was mostly review papers or studies of models for future climate scenarios. In addition, for the sub-pressures, the majority of literature was found for sea surface temperature and air temperature, sea level rise and storms and waves. Literature was not found for the ocean acidification or the freshwater input and salinity sub-pressures for marine birds and we would expect that these sub-pressures would act indirectly via impacts on the prey species; therefore. For future assessments these pressures could be ignored for birds or included on the list of indirect pressures.
It should be noted that the climate change sub-pressure with the most relevant literature is linked to a separate pressure, i.e. ‘Temperature change – regional/national’. However, the authors would still consider the climate change pressure worth including in future assessments and including all the information in the same evidence base as this will be easier for the users of FeAST. Otherwise, we would recommend providing links between pressures relevant to climate change if the current climate change pressure evidence base is divided up into the sub-pressures on the FeAST tool.
Concluding remarks
The Sensitivity Assessments created are robust and reproducible. Clear evidence bases have been created and assessed in a double QA process following documented methodology reviewed by the PSG. The refinements to the methods used for other features included in FeAST, comprised of the inclusion of climate change pressure, use of the ‘Reduction in prey’ pressure and adaptation of pressure benchmarks to allow for tolerance scores to be assigned. The confidence scoring method used for birds also differed from other features in FeAST and there was wider use of the ‘sensitive’ score for birds (only used for pressures with EQS in the current FeAST) when there was very limited evidence and only expert judgement could be used to suggest a concern of a negative impact of a pressure on a marine bird species. These adaptations allowed for suitable Sensitivity Assessments to be undertaken for the 36 marine bird species as shown by the production of over 500 evidence bases with Sensitivity Scores that relied on Tolerance scores.
Balmer, J.E., Hung, H., Vorkamp, K., Letcher, R.J. & Muir, D.C. 2019. Hexachlorobutadiene (HCBD) contamination in the Arctic environment: A review. Emerging Contaminants, 5, 116-122.
Fransson, T., Kolehmainen, T., Kroon, C., Jansson, L. & Wenninger, T. 2010. EURING list of longevity records for European birds.
Garrard, S.L. & Tyler-Walters, H., 2020. Habitat (biotope) sensitivity assessments for climate change pressures. Report from the Marine Life Information Network, to Dept. for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) & Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC). Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, Plymouth, pp. 21.
Mello, F.V., Kasper, D., Alonso, M.B. & Torres, J.P.M. 2020. Halogenated natural products in birds associated with the marine environment: A review. Science of The Total Environment, 717, 137000.
Muir, D., Bossi, R., Carlsson, P., Evans, M., De Silva, A., Halsall, C., Rauert, C., Herzke, D., Hung, H., Letcher, R. & Rigét, F. 2019. Levels and trends of poly-and perfluoroalkyl substances in the Arctic environment – An update. Emerging Contaminants, 5, 240-271.
Perez-Dominguez, R., Barrett, Z., Busch, M., Hubble, M., Rehfisch, M and Enever, R. 2016. Designing and applying a method to assess the sensitivities of highly mobile marine species to anthropogenic pressures. Natural England Commissioned Reports, Number 213.
Robinson, R.A. 2005. BirdFacts: profiles of birds occurring in Britain & Ireland. BTO, Thetford.
Sinclair, R., Lacey, C., Tyler-Walters, H., Sparling, C. & Tillin, H.M. 2020. Developing FeAST for mobile marine species. Scottish Natural Heritage Research Report No. 1175.
Tillin, H., Hull, S. and Tyler-Walters, H. 2010. Development of a sensitivity matrix (pressures-MCZ/MPA features). Report to the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs from ABMer, Southampton and the Marine Life Information Network (MarLIN) Plymouth: Marine Biological Association of the UK. Defra Contract No. MB0102 Task 3A, Report No. 22.
Vorkamp, K., Balmer, J., Hung, H., Letcher, R.J. & Rigét, F.F. 2019. A review of chlorinated paraffin contamination in Arctic ecosystems. Emerging Contaminants, 5, 219-231.
Woodward, I.D. & Humphreys, E.M. n.d. Inshore wintering waterfowl in marine proposed Special Protection Areas (pSPAs): literature review of dietary and habitat preferences and foraging constraints. SNH Project Reference 017164.
Annex 1 – Method refinements after pilot study of three species
Three pilot species were assessed by consultants at APEM to test the methods to be used on the rest of the marine bird species. The species were common guillemot, European shag and black-legged kittiwake.
Table A1. Captures the method refinements that were discussed with the PSG prior to starting the assessments of the remaining 33 marine birds.
Topic / Issue |
Method refinement |
Discussion |
Recommended approach for remaining assessments |
Literature searches
Use of one search engine for literature searches. |
It was originally proposed that two different search engines would be used to carry out the literature searches (Google Scholar and one other), upon reflection following the first three species two search engines were no longer deemed necessary. For the pilot species, literature searches were first conducted using Science Direct, and then repeated using Google Scholar for each species and pressure combination. However, Science Direct only provided a narrow range of references and these were subsequently also found using Google Scholar. Google Scholar provides a wider literature search and highlights relevant grey literature as well as peer reviewed literature. |
Literature searches were carried out using Google Scholar only.
Evidence bases
Addition of summary statements of recovery and tolerance score at the end of evidence bases. |
After the evidence bases were compiled for the initial three species it was decided a summary sentence would be added at the second QA stage, by the expert ornithologist. These would explain how the tolerance score had been decided given the evidence. In addition, the recovery score would be outlined in text as well as in the recovery score column. |
A summary sentence outlining tolerance score and recovery score were included at the bottom of the evidence base. |
Ability to assess tolerance
Use of evidence from proxy species and general seabird statements if insufficient species-specific evidence was found for a pressure. |
For the initial three species, if insufficient species-specific information was found, the pressure was marked as “NA – not enough evidence to assess”. On discussion with NatureScot, MS, and JNCC it was agreed that evidence from proxy species or any statements about general seabird/waterfowl species would be applied to these pressures. This would allow a tolerance score to be assessed for as many pressures as possible. If a proxy species, or general statements, were used a lower confidence score was assigned. |
Statements from proxy species or general statements for seabird/waterfowl species were included in the evidence bases to pressures with very limited species-specific information. This would allow tolerance scores to be assigned. If proxy or general statements were used the confidence score was assigned as low. |
Indirect pressures – review |
No pressures that were scoped as having indirect effects for marine birds were assessed. During the assessments, the assessors determined if a pressure only acted on the feature in an indirect way, via their prey species. |
The pressures deemed to be indirect by draft scoping from NatureScot/JNCC were reviewed and in agreement were assessed as having an indirect effect on marine birds. During the assessment of the initial three species no evidence was found to suggest the following pressures exerted direct effects on the three pilot species:
In discussion with the PSG it was agreed that these pressures might have direct effects on other species/guilds included in the assessment but not assessed during the pilot stage. Therefore, these pressures were not included in the list of indirect pressures. |
Pressures deemed to have indirect effects on marine birds by NatureScot/JNCC were kept. No other pressures were added to the indirect pressure list after the assessment of the three pilot species. During the assessments, the assessors determined if any pressure (scoped to have a direct effect) only acted on the feature in an indirect way, via their prey species. |
Indirect pressures – evidence bases |
Addition of evidence base statements for indirect pressures, highlighting prey species and linking to the ‘Reduction in prey’ pressure. |
No literature searches were performed for indirect pressures. Text from FeAST assessments for all prey species was not possible and this would change in the future. Text included in the evidence base for these pressures needed to include information on prey species and a link to the reduction in prey pressure. |
Prey species of the feature were identified from the BTO’s Bird Facts website (Robinson, 2005) and results of a literature review of diets of wintering waterfowl undertaken by the BTO (Woodward & Humphreys, 2018) for NatureScot. Sentences highlighting prey species, linking to the ‘Reduction in prey’ pressure and if appropriate, links to sandeel FeAST assessment were included for all indirect pressures. |
Benchmarks |
Assessment of pressures by qualitative benchmarks. |
Whilst carrying out the Sensitivity Assessments for the initial three species, it was determined that for several pressures the benchmarks were deemed too quantitative and specific to be easily assessed against, for example (see Annex 5 – Benchmarks for full list):
For the initial three species assessed it was very difficult to find evidence which refers to the benchmark level for these pressures. |
A qualitative interpretation on the benchmark was adopted for these pressures, i.e., an emergence or presence of the pressure within the environment. This approach allowed for sensitivity scores to be given to pressures which at a quantitative benchmark may not be able to be assessed due to insufficient evidence. |
Subjectivity of tolerance scores
Assessment of tolerance was based on perceived severity of the pressure to the feature’s population if no specific evidence on population decline was available in the literature. A precautionary approach was taken for assessment of the Tolerance and Sensitivity scores, assuming the worst-case scenario. |
For the initial three species it was not always possible to find references which specifically referred to a percentage population decline. Therefore, for the majority of pressures expert judgement was used to assess the Tolerance score based on the perceived severity of the pressure to the feature population rather than referring to a specific percentage decline. For instances where evidence did not explicitly state breeding or survival consequences it was agreed with NatureScot, MS and JNCC that the impact was reviewed by assessing how the pressure acts on the species, e.g. by displacement from suitable habitat, by influencing breeding and survival, or by increasing energetic costs or reducing foraging time. A precautionary approach was taken, and the worst-case scenario was assumed. |
Tolerance was assessed on perceived severity of the pressure to the feature population, if no specific evidence on population decline was found. A precautionary approach was taken for the tolerance score assessment, assuming that the worst-case scenario of the pressure in the environment. |
Pressure: Climate Change |
This pressure is assessed following a modified MarLIN methodology. Splitting the evidence by the five categories (sea surface temperature (SST) and air temperature, ocean acidification, sea level rise, storms and waves and freshwater input and salinity) plus an “Indirect - prey” category for evidence related to changes in prey availability. Colour coding the evidence base to allow for possible future separation of the categories. |
For the initial three species, the climate change pressure was assessed following a modified MarLIN methodology (Garrard & Tyler-Walters, 2020) and investigating the possible direct effects of the five categories of sea surface temperature (SST) and air temperature, ocean acidification, sea level rise, storms and waves and freshwater input and salinity. The evidence base included the available evidence for all sub-pressures and one overall score was provided for the pressure. This approach was suitable for this pressure and was agreed to be used for all species. The evidence base was colour coded to reflect these different sub-pressures and to facilitate future separation of these categories should that be required. For the initial three species, evidence was only found for the temperature and storms and waves categories of this pressure. Ocean acidification, sea level rise and freshwater input and salinity are likely to be less relevant to pelagic seabirds and may only have an indirect effect. Therefore, a sub-pressure for indirect-prey was included, as the vast majority of evidence related to temperature is linked to changes in prey availability. |
Evidence for the climate change pressure was split into six categories. Five categories from the MarLIN method plus an “Indirect effect” to cover the evidence for changes in prey availability. |
Pressure: Removal of target species |
Assessment of the tolerance pressure including evidence from UK and non-UK/EU areas. |
In the previous assessments, the removal of target species pressure was assessed as low tolerance, as there would be a large impact on the population if the species is being hunted. However, although hunting only occurs for a few of the listed species, this pressure was still assessed as it may be relevant to species that are hunted as pests or recreationally. Evidence from UK and non-UK/EU areas was included, and the tolerance was assessed with all the evidence, taking the location of evidence into account. |
This pressure was assessed and evidence from UK and non-UK/EU areas was included, and the tolerance was assessed with all the evidence, taking the location of evidence into account.
Pressure: Introduction of other substances |
No literature search was undertaken for this pressure and “Not Assessed” was assigned. |
A specific literature search was not carried out for the pressure “other substances”, as it is not within the scope of this work to carry out a literature review of all potentially harmful substances to all species. On reflection with NatureScot, MS and JNCC, if evidence was found on a range of new emerging contaminants which could be harmful to seabirds and waterfowl, these emerging substances will be noted in this final report (discussed in Literature search section) as possible pressures to consider in future assessments. |
Any evidence of new emerging contaminants which could be harmful to marine birds these substances will be included in the this report (discussed in Literature search section) as possible pressure to consider in future assessments. |
Annex 2 – Literature search methodology
Literature searches were carried out using Google Scholar. Searches were performed using the species name and the keywords listed in Table A. Searches were repeated using the species common name and the species scientific name. The following search string was used for each pressure:
“Species name” keyword1 OR keyword2 OR keyword3.
The results were sorted by relevance and filtered by the year listed in Table A for each pressure reflecting the date of the previous literature search. The majority of species were assessed in 2019, however for some species not assessed in 2019, all dates were set to 2015 or “all”. The first 50 references were assessed for each search.
The titles and abstracts of each reference were read, and if relevant (contained some of the key words of the search) the reference PDF was saved in the appropriate species and pressure folder. If the reference related to more than one species, the reference was saved within an “All species” pressure specific folder. A separate search was also conducted using “seabird” and “waterfowl” instead of the species name, to search for any more general or review references which may otherwise be missed. This broad approach ensures that no key or multi-species papers were overlooked. No date filter was placed on this general search to make sure no previous review papers were missed and enable a sense check particularly for species not assessed in 2019. If the PDF was not available, the citation was still saved to refer to the abstract. Both peer-reviewed and grey literature were included.
Table A2. Human induced pressures deemed to have a direct effect on marine bird populations included in the Sensitivity Assessments. Table includes keywords used for the literature searches for each pressure and marine bird species and years for which the literature searches were undertaken.
Pressure |
Justification for scoping direct |
Keywords for literature search |
Year |
Barrier to species movement |
Surface/sub-surface, benthic and water column feeders can be directly impacted by artificial structures above water causing an alteration of migration flyways or local flight passes and/or within the marine habitat (e.g. tidal developments or underwater structures) causing alteration to underwater movement, e.g. between breeding and feeding habitat and access to loafing/rafting areas. This pressure may cause increased energy expenditure (negative impact on energy budget) and additionally impact birds by prevention of access to prey resource where barrier is effectively a block. |
barrier, windfarm, renewable, dredging, tidal energy, wave energy, |
2019 |
Death or injury by collision below water |
Water column and benthic feeders are the most vulnerable guilds and can be directly impacted by death or injury by collision with artificial structures. Water column feeders, such as guillemot, may be directly impacted by wave devices and vulnerable to collision with tidal turbines. Surface feeding species show only low (e.g. tern species) or very low (e.g. fulmar, kittiwake, shearwaters) vulnerability to colliding with submerged or floating structures like tidal stream turbines and wave energy devices. |
wave energy, tidal |
2019 |
Death or injury by collision above water |
Marine bird species can be directly impacted by death or injury by collision with artificial structures. Collisions have been recorded at offshore wind farms for several species. Species that fly higher above the surface of the sea (e.g. gulls, gannet) are considered most vulnerable to collision with wind turbines, but lower structures and mobile structures (e.g. shipping) can be hazards to birds flying at lower heights above sea (e.g. auks, divers, sea duck). Lighting on structures can affect collision risk especially in poor visibility. |
windfarm, renewable, collision |
2019 |
Emergence regime changes - local |
Emergence regime changes have the potential to change the temporal availability of certain habitat types (flooding versus exposure of mudflats and sandbanks etc.). This pressure acts through access to prey. Water birds may make use of intertidal habitat as foraging and/or roosting habitat. |
regime change |
2019 |
Introduction of light or shading |
Shading is not likely to be an important pressure for seabirds, at least not directly. Introduction of lighting could mean 24 hour foraging opportunities for some (gulls in harbours for example). Lights can also influence attraction to structures (see collision above water). Boats and lighthouses have recorded high numbers of collisions which are associated with poor visibility and attraction to light. Red coloured and flashing light have been found to be less attracting than constant and white light. Petrels and Shearwaters (very nocturnal on land) have been found to be most vulnerable to light attraction. See also Visual Disturbance pressure. |
Light, boat, lighthouse |
All |
Introduction of microbial pathogens (disease), viruses or parasites |
This pressure acts through direct mortality due to disease (or possibly loss of prey resource through the same). Several marine bird guilds, including water column, benthic and surface feeding gull and tern species, are potential reservoirs of microbial pathogens such as Avian Influenza Viruses and are reported to be susceptible to the virus, and therefore may be threatened by future outbreaks. |
bird flu, disease, virus, parasite, bacteria, H5N1, infection, botulism, land-fill, influenza |
2019 |
Introduction or spread of non-indigenous species & translocations (competition) |
Mainly effective through actions of introduced predator or species competing for the same prey resource. The greatest impact on all marine bird guilds mainly occurs during the breeding season where predation on eggs and chicks by, e.g. rats, could take place. Cliff nesting species may be less vulnerable than ground nesting species to chick and egg predation. |
non-indigenous, non-native, mink, squirrel, rat, stoat, cat, mouse, mice, invasive, alien |
2019 |
Nitrogen & phosphorus enrichment |
There is evidence that algal blooms (as a result of N and P enrichment) which produce toxins can have a direct impact on birds. This pressure may also indirectly affect the feature under consideration through effects on the feature’s supporting habitat. N and P enrichments can result in, for example, algal blooms which can reduce provisioning efficiency resulting in reduced adult survival or poor body condition of surviving birds with subsequent impacts on breeding success; see Reduction in Prey pressure. |
nitrogen, phosphorus, eutrophication |
2019 |
Litter |
This pressure can cause direct mortality to birds, or sub-lethal effect leading to reduced fitness. Records of birds ingesting marine litter and records of direct deaths as a result of nest incorporation of litter (mostly ghost-fishing gear) in both adults and chicks. Evidence of ingestion and entanglement in active fishing gear is covered under the ‘Removal of non-target species (lethal)’ pressure. Micro-plastics and ghost fishing gear are included within this pressure. |
litter, waste, plastic, ghost net, debris |
2019 |
Transition elements and organo-metal (e.g. Chromium, Copper, TBT) contamination. Includes those priority substances listed in Annex II of Directive 2008/105/EC. |
There is potential for accumulation of transitional elements and organo-metals to contaminate marine birds, leading to direct effects on reproduction and survival and well as more chronic deterioration of fitness due to effects on body condition. For example, a high contaminant burden of mercury in birds can act as a neurotoxin, which can lead to decreased reproduction. |
mercury, Chromium, copper, metal, transition element |
2019 |
Hydrocarbon & PAH contamination (Includes those priority substances listed in Annex II of Directive 2008/105/EC). |
This pressure is assumed a general relevance for all bird guilds. Surface and benthic feeding species are likely more vulnerable to oil and PAH contamination, as the species spend a high proportion of time on the water surface, than plunge-diving such as gannets. Some water-column foragers, like guillemots, also spend a large amount of time on the water surface and will be impacted by oil. Although evidence strongly suggest that hydrocarbon and PAH compound levels associated with oil spills will severely affect birds, the evidence base is not considered to be developed enough for assessments to be made of sensitivity at the benchmark pressure level. |
oil, pollution, hydrocarbon |
2019 |
Physical loss (to land or freshwater habitat) |
This pressure can cause direct displacement of birds. Sheltered bays for example may be used as safe places to moult or to raft and rest (i.e. other activities other than just foraging). For example, a fish farm or a new port development could decrease marine water available to birds potentially directly displacing birds from some of these sheltered bays. See Barrier to species movement for information on displacement from loss of marine habitat. |
flood, inundation, sea-level, salt marsh, waste, landfill, habitat loss |
2019 |
Radionuclide contamination |
This pressure can cause direct mortality to birds, or sub-lethal effect leading to reduced fitness. |
radionuclide, contamination |
All |
Reduction in availability or quality of prey |
This pressure can impact through multiple effects causing lower productivity and body condition and ultimately decline of populations. |
prey availability, prey quality, prey |
All |
Removal of non-target species (including lethal) |
The effect of this pressure is increased mortality. Benthic and water column feeders represent the species guilds most susceptible to entanglement in gillnets due to their foraging strategies. Surface feeding species, e.g. Fulmar, kittiwake, terns, are also reported victims of by-catch by entanglement during net hauling or setting or can be trapped when scavenging a net drifting at the surface. |
bycatch, drown, net, entangle, windfarm, renewable, static gear, seine, aquaculture, longline |
2019 |
Removal of target species (including lethal) |
Hunting or alternative removal of all species guild will directly remove individuals from a population, therefore there is potential for a direct negative effect, depending on the state of the population impacted and whether the additional mortality can be sustained. Long-lived species, like surface feeding seabirds are especially vulnerable to adult mortality. Taking of eggs is allowed in Scotland, England and Wales under the licensing regimes. |
harvest, egg collection, persecution, cull, hunt, trap, exploit |
2019 |
Siltation rate changes (heavy) |
This pressure may only indirectly affect the feature under consideration through effects on the feature’s supporting habitat. High siltation can completely smother prey habitat. Siltation can have a negative impact on the abundance of prey species resulting in reduced adult survival or poor body condition of surviving birds with subsequent impacts on breeding success. Sandeel is an important prey species for water column feeders. Sensitivity of sandeel to this pressure is High. See Reduction in Prey pressure. |
siltation, smother |
2015 |
Synthetic compound contamination (inc. pesticides, antifoulants, pharmaceuticals) Includes those priority substances listed in Annex II of Directive 2008/105/EC. |
There is potential for bioaccumulation of ingested synthetic compounds leading to direct fecundity and/or mortality impacts on marine birds as well as potential effects on productivity. Effects may include immunosuppression, decreased egg viability, hormonal effects, oxidative stress level changes, decreased body condition. |
organochlorine, pesticide, antifoulant, pharmaceutical |
2019 |
Temperature changes - regional/national |
This pressure is likely to influence species differently, with some being influenced positively and others negatively. The pressure may have population level effects on numbers and distribution of species. It may cause increased energy expenditure from changes to thermoregulation needs or changes to access to suitable habitats for breeding or foraging. |
temperature, phenology, migration, short-stopping |
2019 |
Underwater noise |
Underwater noise may directly affect benthic and water column feeders, being submerged for comparable long periods when diving in search for prey on the seabed. Cormorants have also been shown to be sensitive to noise in experimental conditions, and therefore it is expected that shags could be too since they are in the same family. There could be direct effects of underwater noise on surface feeding birds, e.g. fulmar or terns, but as the bulk of their food is taken from the water surface any potential affect may be minor. |
noise, decibel |
2019 |
Visual disturbance (behaviour) |
Marine bird species can be directly impacted by visual disturbance from a variety of sources. Human disturbance has been linked with declines in breeding success of cliff-nesting birds and cause abandoning of nest and chicks and/or increase the risk of eggs and chicks being predated while breeding adults are absent due to disturbance. Benthic feeders are reported as the species guild showing highest vulnerability to disturbance and/or displacement from their marine foraging habitat. The impact of this pressure is measured by disturbance effects to birds causing change in energy budget, abandonment of preferred feeding or breeding area etc. |
visual disturb, human, boat, recreation, tourism, vehicle |
2019 |
Water clarity changes |
This pressure affects the bird’s ability to detect prey and/or prey density leading to reduced prey availability. Water column, benthic and surface feeders are potentially impacted by water turbidity in terms of foraging success. There is some variation between species of the water column feeding guild as divers, grebes and seaducks are more vulnerable than gannets and auks. Manx shearwaters have very low sensitivity to increased water turbidity in response to dredging operations and guillemots, razorbills and puffins are moderately sensitive. Sensitivity is particularly reported in surface feeding tern species foraging visually. |
water clarity |
2019 |
Water flow (tidal current) changes - local |
This pressure affects energy budget or foraging efficiency. Increases in flow could increase energy expenditure of resting birds on the water surface or birds diving for prey This could reduce body condition and therefore give rise to direct impacts. Surface feeders can be affected by water flow changes, as this affects the availability of prey items at or close to the water surface. |
water flow, water current |
2019 |
Wave exposure changes - local |
This pressure affects the bird’s ability to detect or capture prey. Local changes in wavelength, height and frequency can directly affect surface feeder; directly affecting the ability of the bird to capture prey when it is present. There is also the potential negative affect for surface feeding species (plunge diving), due to birds finding it more difficult to predict the position of fish below the surface. This pressure covers changes due to extreme weather events. |
wave, roost |
2019 |
Climate change |
Climate change pressure assessed following the MarLIN methodology and investigating the possible direct effects of the five categories of sea surface temperature (SST) and air temperature, acidification, sea level rise, storms and waves and freshwater input and salinity. Indirect effects via prey species are also highlighted. The evidence base is categorised in colour for the different categories: |
climate change, sea surface temperature, air temperature, acidification, sea level rise, storm, waves, freshwater input, salinity |
All |
Annex 3 – Proxy species
Figure 1 shows simplified taxonomic relationships across the marine bird species assessed in the 2020/2021 Sensitivity Assessments. The colours indicate which species were used for proxy statements when species-specific evidence was limited. Northern gannet, European shag and great cormorant were grouped together for proxy statements based on their taxonomic closeness and similarities in flying and foraging behaviours. The seaduck species used all eight species for proxy statements because of similarities in feeding preferences and foraging behaviours. In the second QA process, it was not efficient to QA across eight species so the seaduck species were QA’d in two groups of four based on similar degrees of aggregation in coastal and marine environments but not following any specific taxonomic or eco-physiological feature.
Annex 4 – Indirect pressures scoped by NatureScot and JNCC
A high-level review, undertaken by NatureScot and JNCC marine ornithologists, was used to scope out feature-pressure combinations where the evidence from literature suggested that there was no relevant interaction and secondly to classify whether the pressure had a direct effect or indirect effect (via prey) on the feature. For pressures that are considered to have an impact through change in prey resources, a specific pressure ‘reduction in availability or quality of prey’ has been included as a direct pressure through which indirect pressures have an impact on birds. Pressures established as ‘not relevant’ to marine birds (by guild) or considered as having indirect effects on prey for marine birds are provided in the table below with justification for how the decision was reached.
Table A4. Pressures established as ‘not relevant’ to marine birds (by guild) or considered as having indirect effects on prey for marine birds.
Pressure |
Justification |
Year |
Physical change (to another seabed type) |
This pressure may indirectly affect marine birds through effects on the feature’s supporting habitat. Loss of preferred seabed habitat can have a negative impact on the abundance of some key prey species resulting in potential reduction in adult survival or poor body condition of surviving birds with subsequent impacts on breeding success. New prey species may colonise the new habitats but these may be of poorer dietary quality or harder to catch to the preferred key prey species; See Reduction in Prey pressure. |
2015 |
Physical removal (extraction of substratum) |
This pressure may only indirectly affect the feature under consideration through effects on the feature’s supporting habitat. Loss of preferred seabed habitat can have a negative impact on the abundance of some key prey species resulting in potential reduction in adult survival or poor body condition of surviving birds with subsequent impacts on breeding success. New prey species may colonise the new habitats but these may be of poorer dietary quality or harder to catch to the preferred key prey species; See Reduction in Prey pressure. |
2015 |
Sub-surface abrasion/penetration |
This pressure may only indirectly affect the feature under consideration through effects on the feature’s supporting habitat. Damage to preferred seabed habitat can have a negative impact on the abundance of some key prey species resulting in potential reduction in adult survival or poor body condition of surviving birds with subsequent impacts on breeding success. New prey species may colonise the new habitats but these may be of poorer dietary quality or harder to catch to the preferred key prey species. Sandeel is an important prey species for water column feeders. Sensitivity of sandeel to this pressure is High. See Reduction in Prey pressure. |
2015 |
Surface abrasion |
This pressure may only indirectly affect the feature under consideration through effects on the feature’s supporting habitat. Damage to preferred seabed habitat can have a negative impact on the abundance of some key prey species resulting in potential reduction in adult survival or poor body condition of surviving birds with subsequent impacts on breeding success. New prey species may colonise the new habitats but these may be of poorer dietary quality or harder to catch to the preferred key prey species. Sandeel is an important prey species for water column feeders. Sensitivity of sandeel to this pressure is Medium. See Reduction in Prey pressure. |
2015 |
Organic enrichment |
This pressure may only indirectly affect the feature under consideration through effects on the feature’s supporting habitat. Increased organic enrichment can have a negative impact on the abundance of prey species and reduced visibility for pursuit feeders, resulting in reduced adult survival or poor body condition of surviving birds with subsequent impacts on breeding success); See Reduction in Prey pressure. |
2015 |
De-oxygenation |
This pressure may indirectly affect marine birds through effects on the feature’s supporting habitat. De-oxygenation can have a direct negative impact on the abundance of prey species resulting in reduced adult survival or poor body condition of surviving birds with subsequent impacts on breeding success. See Reduction in Prey pressure. |
2015 |
Salinity changes - local |
This pressure may only indirectly affect the feature under consideration through effects on the feature’s supporting habitat. Changes in salinity can have a negative impact on the abundance of prey species resulting in reduced adult survival or poor body condition of surviving birds with subsequent impacts on breeding success; See Reduction in Prey pressure. |
2015 |
Electromagnetic changes |
This pressure may indirectly effect marine birds through effects on the feature’s supporting habitat. Whilst there has not been studies specifically relating to marine birds and underwater electro magnetic fields (EMF), evidence suggests that EMF can cause fish and invertebrate species on the seabed to move away from the magnetic field. This effect on prey species is particularly relevant for benthic feeders. See Reduction in Prey pressure. |
2015 |
Siltation rate changes (light) |
This pressure may only indirectly affect the feature under consideration through effects on the feature’s supporting habitat. Siltation rate changes affect prey habitat which can have a negative impact on the abundance of prey species resulting in reduced adult survival or poor body condition of surviving birds with subsequent impacts on breeding success. Sandeel is an important prey species for water column feeders. Sensitivity of sandeel to this pressure is Medium. See Reduction in Prey pressure. |
2015 |
Temperature changes - local |
This pressure may only indirectly affect the feature under consideration through effects on the feature’s supporting habitat. Change in water temperature locally can have a negative impact on the abundance of some key prey species resulting in potential reduction in adult survival or poor body condition of surviving birds with subsequent impacts on breeding success. New prey species may colonise the new habitats but these may be of poorer dietary quality or harder to catch to the preferred key prey species. Sandeel is an important prey species for water column feeders. Sensitivity of sandeel to this pressure is High. See Reduction in Prey pressure. |
2015 |
Annex 5 – Benchmarks
The pressure descriptions/benchmarks that currently exist in the FeAST tool have been altered slightly for highly mobile species (Sinclair et al 2020), were considered to be applicable to marine birds. There were a few exceptions where it was judged by NatureScot and JNCC marine ornithologists that the pressure description / benchmark needed refining to make them applicable to marine bird species. These refinements were used in the 2021 marine bird Sensitivity Assessments.
During the current marine bird assessments, the benchmarks for four pressures were too quantitative for the available evidence, therefore to enable a Tolerance score to be assigned the benchmarks were adapted to: an emergence or presence of the pressure within the environment.
Table A5. Refinements to the pressure benchmark and descriptions to make them applicable to marine birds.
Pressure |
Pressure benchmark and description |
The mechanism through which an activity has an effect on any part of the ecosystem. The nature of the pressure is determined by activity type, intensity, and distribution. |
The standard descriptor of the pressure defined in terms of the magnitude, extent, duration, and frequency of the effect. Benchmarks may be quantitative or qualitative. |
Barrier to species movement
Benchmark: Barrier to species movement. For marine birds the impact is increase in energy expenditure and loss of access to (foraging) habitat. The level at which this would cause mortality is not understood but modelling in Forth and Tay shows mortality expected when multiple barriers to access exist. Metric required will be % increase in energy expenditure to perform current actions, translated to % area of current foraging sites unavailable or % increase in flight distance required to maintain current foraging activity. Description: The physical obstruction of species movements including local movements (within & between roosting, breeding, feeding areas) and regional/global migrations (e.g. birds, eels, salmon, and whales). Includes upriver movements (where tidal barrages & devices or dams could obstruct movements) or movements across open waters (offshore wind farm, wave or tidal device arrays, mariculture infrastructure or fixed fishing gears). It is acknowledged that aquaculture and fixed fishing gears represent very low scale barriers. Note: entanglement is included under ‘Removal of non-target species’ pressure. |
De-oxygenation |
Benchmark: Compliance with WFD criteria for good status: fully saline waters is 4mg/l and within estuaries, the WFD standard for good status is 5-(0.028xsalinity). Description: The lowering, temporarily or more permanently, of oxygen levels in the water or substrate due to anthropogenic causes. Pressure is closely related to the ‘N and P enrichment’ pressure. The water column immediately above the seabed can have lower oxygen levels than the general water column, and this is closely linked to the ‘Organic enrichment’ and ‘Siltation’ pressures. Compliance with WFD criteria for good status. In offshore waters oxygen status can be assumed to be high as there are no significant pressures. For fully saline waters, the WFD standard for good status is 4mg/l, compared to a suggested level of 5mg/l in WQTAG 088e. However, all fully saline waters already meet high status (>5.7mg/l). Within estuaries, the WFD standard for good status is 5-(0.028xsalinity) compared to a suggested level of 6- (0.028xsalinity) in WQTAG088e. The latter standard is more precautionary as it also seeks to protect migratory fish, which are likely to be the most sensitive element. Note1: where deoxygenation is being considered for features present within estuaries or in relation to mobile species, additional consideration should be given. Note 2: Assume existing EQS will ensure Not Sensitive unless evidence to suggest otherwise, however if the standards were breached then this pressure would need to be reconsidered. |
Death or injury by collision below water |
Benchmark: Death or injury by collision below water* Description: Injury or mortality from collisions of biota with both static &/or moving structures. Examples include: collision with rigs (e.g. birds) or screens in intake pipes (e.g. fish at power stations) (static) or collisions with wind turbine blades, fish & mammal collisions with tidal devices and activities involving shipping (moving). |
Death or injury by collision above water |
Benchmark: Death or injury by collision above water* Description: Injury or mortality from collisions of biota with both static &/or moving structures above the surface of the water. Collision at night may be associated with 'Introduction of light' pressure that may attract some birds. |
Electromagnetic changes |
Benchmark: Local electric field of 1 volt per meter, or Local magnetic field of 10 telsa (μT) due to anthropogenic means. Description: Localized electric and magnetic fields associated could alter behaviour (e.g. attract or repel) and migration patterns of sensitive species. Elasmobranch species (sharks, skates and rays) are relatively sensitive to electric fields, and diadromous species are expected to have relatively higher sensitivity to magnetic fields. |
Emergence regime changes - local |
Benchmark: A 1 hour change in the time covered or not covered by the sea for a period of 1 year. Description: Changes in water levels may reduce the intertidal zone (and the associated/dependent habitats) by changing either the spatial area and or duration of immersion/exposure during tidal cycles. Changes in tidal flushing can change sediment dynamics that may lead to changing patterns of deposition and erosion and extent of tidal immersion. Impacts include reduced habitats, resources, and feeding times, exposure, desiccation, Impact on bird species that forage in the intertidal area either when covered or uncovered. |
Genetic modification & translocation of indigenous species |
Benchmark: Translocation of indigenous species and/or introduction of genetically modified or genetically different populations of indigenous species that may result in changes in genetic structure of local populations, hybridization, or change in community structure. Note: Aquaculture species only - Translocation outside of geographic area or introduction of hatchery-reared juveniles outside of geographic area from which adult stock derives. Note that issues of salmon or halibut escapes are not included as these do not pose any impacts on MPA protected features. Description: Moving of indigenous or genetically modified species to different areas may cause competition with local populations of species with different genetic make ups, alter the community of the receiving habitat, or provide the opportunity for hybridization between similar species (e.g. Spartina spp. and Mytilus spp.). |
Introduction of light or shading |
Benchmark: Change in incident light via anthropogenic means. Description: Introduction of light on structures may disorientate, repel or attract species (affecting e.g. migration routes), increase algal growth, change communities or species present. Shading from structures may reduce growth, feeding or change communities/species present. |
Introduction of microbial pathogens (disease), viruses or parasites |
Benchmark: The introduction of relevant microbial pathogens, metazoan disease vectors or parasites to an area where they are currently not present or likely to cause a significant increase in levels compared to background levels. Description: The introduction or increase in levels of pathogens, disease vectors or parasites from anthropogenic activities. |
Introduction of Other Substances (Solid, Liquid or Gas) |
Benchmark: Compliance with all Average Annual Environmental Quality Standards, conformance with Probable Effect levels, Environment Assessment Criteria, Effects Range - Low, and any introduction of other solid debris without EQS that may cause changes to species or habitats. Description: The 'systematic or intentional release of liquids, gases ' (from MSFD Annex III Table 2) is considered e.g. in relation to produced water from the oil industry. It should, therefore, be considered in parallel with the other chemical contaminants. Other solid debris such as shellfish shells and seaweed debris may also have detrimental effects which are not covered in other pressures. |
Introduction or spread of non- indigenous species & translocations (competition) |
Benchmark: A significant pathway exists for introduction of one or more Invasive non-indigenous species (INIS) (also referred to as Invasive Non-Native Species (INNS))** Description: The direct or indirect introduction of invasive non-indigenous species, e.g. Chinese mitten crabs, slipper limpets, Pacific oyster and their subsequent spreading and out-competing of native species. Sensitivity assessment will be made against a prescribed list of INIS based on the GB Non-native Species Information Portal list of potentially invasive species. |
Nitrogen & phosphorus enrichment |
Benchmark: Compliance with WFD criteria for good status (or increases in nutrient loading over background levels if information available)*** Description: Increased levels of the elements, nitrogen, phosphorus, silicon (and iron) in the marine environment compared to background concentrations. Ideally, the pressure would be assessed in terms of increases in nutrient loading over background. However, such information is not readily available. As a surrogate, it could be possible to use information from WFD and CEMP assessments in relation to winter concentrations of DIN (a measure of state) and compare these to WFD standards and status classification outputs. Adverse environmental effects include deoxygenation, algal blooms, changes in community structure of benthos and macrophytes. Note: closely linked with de-oxygenation pressure. |
Litter |
Benchmark: Introduction of man-made objects able to cause physical harm (surface, water column, sea floor and/or strandline). Description: Marine litter is any manufactured or processed solid material from anthropogenic activities discarded, disposed or abandoned (excluding legitimate disposal) once it enters the marine and coastal environment including plastics, metals, timber, rope, fishing gear etc. and their degraded components, e.g. microplastic particles. |
Transition elements & organo-metal (e.g. Chromium, Copper, TBT) contamination. Includes those priority substances listed in Annex II of Directive 2008/105/EC. |
Benchmark: Compliance with all average annual Environmental Quality Standards, or conformance with Probable Effect levels, Environment Assessment Criteria, Effects Range - Low. Description: These standards provide good levels of protection for all living organisms where standards are adhered to. For marine sediments the main elements of concern are Arsenic, Cadmium, Chromium, Copper, Mercury, Nickel, Lead and Zinc Organo-metallic compounds such as the butyl tins (Tri butyl tin and its derivatives) can be highly persistent and chronic exposure to low levels has adverse biological effects, e.g. Imposex in molluscs. Note: all transition elements should be considered under this pressure, but the transition element should be clearly identified in the evidence base. |
Hydrocarbon & PAH contamination. (Includes those priority substances listed in Annex II of Directive 2008/105/EC). |
Benchmark: Compliance with all average annual Environmental Quality Standards, or conformance with Probable Effect levels, Environment Assessment Criteria, Effects Range – Low**** Description: These standards provide good levels of protection for all living organisms where standards are adhered to. Exceeding EQS may occur (e.g. for accidental spills or bioaccumulation) and the potential ecological consequences include lethal and non-lethal effects, physiological changes. These are naturally occurring compounds, complex mixtures of two basic molecular structures: straight chained aliphatic hydrocarbons (relatively low toxicity and susceptible to degradation) and multiple ringed aromatic hydrocarbons (higher toxicity and more resistant to degradation). Ecological consequences include tainting, some are acutely toxic, carcinomas, growth defects. Note: the distinction between chronic level pollution and accidental spills/bioaccumulation should be clearly identified in the evidence base. |
Organic enrichment |
Benchmark: A deposit of 100gC/m2/yr. Note: Further discussion on benchmarks warranted by FeAST working group, as organic enrichment doesn’t have an EQS as such. Description: This pressure is referring to particulate organic matter and is therefore closely associated with the Siltation pressures. Dissolved organic matter is not covered directly by other pressures, but N and P enrichment pressure addresses the key enrichment factors. Adverse environmental effects include deoxygenation, algal blooms, changes in community structure of benthos and macrophytes. Note: overlap with siltation and Nitrogen and Phosphorous enrichment pressures, but organic enrichment also has its own effects. Level of organic enrichment at which community structures changed are likely to have indirect effect. Level at which algal blooms (toxic algae) may be direct effect. |
Physical change (to another seabed type) |
Benchmark: The permanent change of one marine habitat type to another marine habitat type, through the change in substratum, including to artificial (e.g. concrete mattresses, rock dumping). Description: Two separate possibilities 1) Change in sediment type by one Folk class, 2) Change from sedimentary or soft rock substrata to hard rock or artificial substrata or vice-versa. A change from sediment to hard rock (or vice versa) would affect all types of substratum, and all habitats would be assessed as highly sensitive. This pressure concerns disposal or the deposit of material, whilst the removal of material is covered under sub-surface abrasion and physical removal pressures. |
Physical loss (to land or freshwater habitat) |
Benchmark: Permanent loss of existing marine habitat (to land or coastal infrastructure). Description: The permanent loss of marine habitats by activities or infrastructure that encroaches on the marine area so as to move the MHWS mark seawards. Coastal features assumed to be highly sensitive to loss of their habitat. |
Physical removal (extraction of substratum) |
Benchmark: Extraction of sediment to 30cm. Description: This pressure relates to extraction of sediment substrate. |
Radionuclide contamination |
Benchmark: An increase in 10µGy/h above background levels. Description: Introduction of radionuclide material, raising levels above background concentrations. |
Reduction in availability or quality of prey |
Benchmark: Reduction in prey availability or quality of prey***** Description: Reduction in prey availability or quality of prey could be caused by competition (with e.g. other marine predators) or from pressures that affect prey species. Temporary or longer-term impacts can arise from construction, operational and decommissioning phases of infrastructure developments. Consequences include starvation, a poorer diet with knock on effects on energy budget, breeding etc. and ultimately decline in populations. |
Removal of non-target species (including lethal) |
Benchmark: Accidental or incidental removal of features through pursuit of a target fishery, or harvesting or other extractive activity (commercial, recreational or artisanal scale), including through accidental entanglement with nets or ropes e.g. aquaculture nets, mooring lines or creels. Mainly a synonym for bycatch. Description: Any damage, loss or removal of species through accidental or incidental catch (or by-catch) associated with fishing, harvesting and extraction activities, including extraction of substrate or water. Also includes accidental entanglement in ropes or lines associate with various activities. Note: ghost-fishing gear is covered under the ‘litter’ pressure; |
Removal of target species (including lethal) |
Benchmark: Removal of target species that are features of conservation importance or sub-features of habitats of conservation importance at a commercial, artisanal or recreational scale. Description: Ecological consequences include the sustainability of populations, impacting energy flows through food webs and the size and age composition within populations, alteration to habitat structure, biodiversity or function. Note: at sea hunting of marine birds rarely (if ever) now occurs in Scotland. An offence under the NC (Scotland) act 2004 so would be legal matter - unless licenced (whereby activity is regulated). |
Salinity changes - local |
Benchmark: Increase from 35 to 38 units for one year or Decrease in salinity by 4-10 units for a year. Description: Activities have the potential to increase or decrease local salinity through either input of fresh water or physical changes that may alter water exchange and therefore salinity. Changes to salinity can impact growth, respiration, behaviour, and reproduction, and may ultimately alter communities/habitats, particularly if combination with other stresses such as temperature. |
Siltation rate changes (heavy) |
Benchmark: Heavy deposition of more than 5cm and up to 30cm of fine material added to the habitat in a single discrete event or continuous deposition of fine material. Description: Siltation (or sedimentation) is the settling out or deposit of silt or sediments suspended in the water column to the seabed. Changes relate to those over natural siltation and those above 5 cm (less than this depth is covered by different pressure), or where a high level of deposition is continuous (e.g. fish farming). Siltation of this level can completely smother species and habitats, particularly sessile organisms. Impacts are mainly from hypoxia, inability to feed or photosynthesise and potentially death unless tolerance species or species that can re-emerge. |
Siltation rate changes (light) |
Benchmark: Light deposition of up to 5cm of fine material added to the seabed in a single event or continuous deposition of fine material. Description: Siltation (or sedimentation) is the settling out or deposit of silt or sediments suspended in the water column to the seabed. Changes relate to those over natural siltation and up to 5 cm (more than this depth is covered by different pressure), or where a light level of deposition is continuous (e.g. shellfish farming). Siltation of this level may completely smother smaller species and habitats, particularly sessile organisms. Effects can be hypoxia, physical difficulties in feeding, reproduction, reduction in photosynthesis and potentially death for more sensitive species. |
Sub-surface abrasion/penetration |
Benchmark: Damage to species or habitats below the surface of the seabed. Description: Abrasion damage involving some degree of physical penetration to the seabed or disturbance of habitats or species below the surface of the seabed. Penetration and damage to the soft rock substrata are considered, however, penetration into hard bedrock is deemed unlikely. |
Surface abrasion |
Benchmark: Damage to species or habitats living on the seabed. Damage to surface features (e.g. species and physical structures within the habitat). Description: Abrasion damage at the surface of the substratum in sedimentary or rocky habitats e.g. epiflora and epifauna. |
Synthetic compound contamination (inc. pesticides, antifoulants, pharmaceuticals). Includes those priority substances listed in Annex II of Directive 2008/105/EC. |
Benchmark: Compliance with all average annual Environmental Quality Standards, or conformance with Probable Effect levels, Environment Assessment Criteria, Effects Range - Low. Description: The EQS standards provide good levels of protection for all living organisms where standards are adhered to. See separate pressures where exceeding EQS may occur and the potential ecological consequences include lethal and non-lethal effects, physiological changes (e.g. growth defects, carcinomas). The sub-pressure ‘Synthetic compound contamination from pollution incidents/accidental spills or bioaccumulation’ considers synthetic compound contamination where spills, accidents or bioaccumulation are significant. Note: EQS benchmark suitable for categories that are not accidental spill. Spills will (always) trigger assessment. Impacts at 100m from point source unlikely to lead to population level impacts. Impacts around fish farm sites (i.e. fish farm footprint plus 100m) would be worthy of consideration, especially in cumulative situation. |
Temperature changes - local |
Benchmark: A 5°C change in temp for a one month period, or 2°C for one year. Description: Events or activities increasing or decreasing local water temperature. This is most likely from thermal discharges, e.g. the release of cooling waters from power stations. This pressure only applies within the thermal plume generated by the pressure source. An emergence or presence of the pressure within the environment. |
Temperature changes – regional/national |
Benchmark / Description: 1.5-4ºC change in sea temperature by 2100 (from UK Climate Impacts Project 2009 predictions). Sea temperature change will have greater impact at same scale compared to air temperature change. General increase of 0.5 deg C would have significant effect on prey, greater increases in water temperature change will be accompanied by air temperature change. Appropriate to deal with effects through 'climate change' pressure. An emergence or presence of the pressure within the environment. |
Underwater noise |
Benchmark: Over 20% of days within a calendar year, over 20% of the habitat occupied by the individual, in which anthropogenic sound sources that exceed levels that elicit a response from an individual, in terms of movement away, or cessation of feeding (for disturbance, or exposure which leads to auditory injury. Need evidence from behavioural changes of birds to set an appropriate benchmark. Cetacean appropriate benchmark probably would also be precautionary for diving birds. Description: Anthropogenic sounds may be of short duration (e.g. impulsive such as from seismic surveys and piling for wind farms and platforms, as well as explosions) or be long lasting (e.g. continuous such as dredging, shipping and energy installations) affecting organisms in different ways. Marine mammals are most susceptible, however fish and other benthic species including invertebrates may also be affected, although literature is limited. An emergence or presence of the pressure within the environment. |
Visual disturbance (behaviour)
Benchmark: The visual disturbance of biota by anthropogenic activities. Disturbance such that birds are prevented from accessing nest sites for more than 1 hour, or accessing (local) feeding areas for 1 day. Description: Visual disturbance is only relevant to species that respond to visual cues, for hunting, behavioural responses or predator avoidance, and that have the visual range to perceive cues at distance. It is particularly relevant to fish, birds, reptiles and mammals that depend on sight but less relevant to benthic invertebrates. The cephalopods are an exception but they are only likely to respond to a visual disturbance at close range (from e.g. divers). Audio disturbance is relevant to species that respond to in-air noise, for example aircrafts. Not including introduction of light as this is addressed by separate pressure. |
Water clarity changes |
Benchmark: A change in one rank on the WFD (Water Framework Directive) scale, e.g. from clear to intermediate for one year. (Ranks are mean suspended particulate matter in units of mg/c: >300 - very turbid; 100-300 - medium turbidity; 10-100 - intermediate; <10 - clear). Description: Changes in water clarity (or turbidity) due to changes in sediment & organic particulate matter and chemical concentrations. It is primarily related to activities disturbing sediment and/or organic particulate matter and mobilizing it into the water column. Particle size, hydrological energy (current speed & direction) and tidal excursion are all influencing factors on the spatial extent and temporal duration. Salinity, turbulence, pH and temperature may result in flocculation of suspended organic matter. Changes in suspended sediment loads can also alter the scour experienced by species and habitats. Therefore, the effects of scour are also addressed here. Note: links with sediment deposition and organic enrichment pressures. An emergence or presence of the pressure within the environment. |
Water flow (tidal current) changes - local |
Benchmark: Peak mean spring tide flow change of greater than 0.1m/s over an area >1km2 or 50% of width of water body for > 1 year. Description: Changes in water movement associated with tidal streams (the rise and fall of the tide, riverine flows), prevailing winds and ocean currents. The pressure extremes are a shift from a high to a low energy environment (or vice versa), which can alter the biota, substratum, sediment transport and seabed elevation. The potential exists for profound changes (e.g. coastal erosion/deposition) to occur at long distances from responsible activity, with complex interactions. An emergence or presence of the pressure within the environment. |
Wave exposure changes - local |
A change in nearshore significant wave height >3% for one year. An increase to the lower threshold of this benchmark would be appropriate, although no value to suggest. At 25% effects much more likely, whereas assessing impact at 3-5% would be difficult. Description: Exposure on open shore determined by local changes in wavelength, height and frequency. Significant wave height = the average height of the highest one third of waves and is dependent upon the distance of open sea water over which wind may blow to generate waves (the fetch) and the strength and incidence of winds, and topography; generally significant wave height is <1.2m but can be up to 3m around UK coast. |
*Assessment of population impact of collision completed through EIA/HRA.
** Consideration expanded above HMWS levels to include non-indigenous mammals as predators of breeding seabirds.
***WFD criteria suitable for flagging of changes likely to impact on birds, although effects are considered through prey. Overlap with organic enrichment.
**** Contaminant spills at notifiable levels (MCA or SEPA regulations) always likely to be significant for marine birds and thus suitable for benchmark. EQS standards suitable for bioaccumulation and other contaminations.
Annex 6 – Methodology and principles applied in developing final sensitivity assessments
Table A6. The methods and principles applied to develop the final Sensitivity Assessments for marine bird species. The methods are updated from the original methods outlined in the project proposal.
Topic / issue |
Methodology / approach & principle applied |
Recovery scoring |
The descriptors for resistance and resilience, relating to birds, fish and mammals, developed by Natural England (Perez-Dominguez et al., 2016)11 have been further revised for marine birds to align as far as possible with current FeAST scoring for tolerance and recovery. The 2015 and 2019 draft Sensitivity Assessments used the definitions of tolerance (resistance) and recovery (resilience) used by Natural England but used the FeAST sensitivity score matrix. The Natural England scoring system for recovery is based on life-history traits. Based on this scoring criteria, it was decided that recovery potential should be scored as ‘Low’ in all seabird assessments updated in 2019 for the SSCS. This is a generic approach to recovery scoring for seabird species was used in the 2019 assessments in the absence of any other evidence. The same matrix should be used for marine waterfowl assessments; some may score medium but all seabirds should be kept at a low recovery score due to life history traits (long-lived). In the 2021 assessments, recovery was assessed on life-history traits (Table 2), all marine seabird species were assessed as low recovery, except 2 divers, a grebe and 2 seaducks which were assessed as medium recovery. |
Sensitivity scoring |
For seabirds the variation in the sensitivity score is mainly based on the tolerance score because most seabirds would have a generic ‘low’ recovery potential (see Table 4). |
Topic / issue |
Methodology / approach & principle applied |
Hydrocarbon & PAH contamination pressure |
This pressure is aimed at chronic pollution with benchmarks set at ‘compliance with all relevant environmental quality standards (EQS)’. If the concentration at EQS standard level is achieved, it should prevent harm to bird species. As a result, all species are technically considered to be ‘Not sensitive’ at the benchmark level. It is important that a review of evidence relating to oil spills (and catastrophic contamination of any sort) is undertaken separately under this pressure and a clear distinction is made from chronic pollution levels. To take into account the possibility of accidental spills or other pollution incidents and the possibility of bioaccumulation of contaminants up the food chain in top predators, FeAST has handled this by providing indicative scores for tolerance, recovery and overall sensitivity. These scores are based on the species sensitivity to contaminants in the event of an accident happening, along with supporting evidence to inform situations where, for example EQS may be exceeded, compounds are accidentally spilled or where bio- accumulation occurs. The mobile species assessments for cetaceans, seals and fish have tackled this by using the following statement: ‘In practice, the benchmark for this pressure assumes compliance with all AA EQS and conformance with PELs, EACs and ER-Ls which, if achieved, will prevent harm to this species. Even so, indicative scores for tolerance, recovery and sensitivity are provided, along with supporting evidence, to inform situations where, for example, EQS may be exceeded, compounds are accidentally spilled or where bio- accumulation occurs.’ Followed by the evidence base to support the assessment for impact on the feature when EQS is exceeded due to accidental spills and bioaccumulation. Furthermore, the transition element is clearly identified in the evidence base so that if in the future it is decided to separate these out, it can be done so relatively easily. This approach was used for marine birds for consistency. For greater clarity the following statement was used in the evidence bases for this pressure: “In practice, the benchmark for this pressure assumes compliance with all Annual Average Environmental Quality Standards (AA EQS) and conformance with Permissible Exposure Limits (PELs), Environmental Assessment Criteria (EACs) and Effects Range-Low (ER-Ls) which, if achieved, will prevent harm to this species. Even so, indicative scores for tolerance, recovery and sensitivity are provided, along with supporting evidence, to inform situations where, for example, EQS may be exceeded, compounds are accidentally spilled or where bio- accumulation occurs”. |
Displacement |
Displacement of birds is considered under the barrier effect pressure rather than the physical loss (marine habitat) pressure. These pressures have the potential to be easily confused and it was felt that it is important to align FeAST with how advice is provided in casework. The justification behind this decision to deal with evidence of displacement under the barrier effect pressure is provided by the definitions below on displacement, barrier effect and physical (habitat) loss: Displacement When a bird can no longer use an area that it did previously, we usually term that as it being displaced. This is typically a behavioural response to an anthropogenic disturbance; in offshore development casework this is normally expected as a consequence of an area of sea being occupied by a development that birds will avoid. Barrier In other cases the birds will not have utilised the marine habitat in the area that is developed, but would have gone beyond – or travelled through- the area to reach other parts of the sea, for example a commuting route to a foraging area or a migratory route. Some birds will travel a greater distance around the development to still reach the area that they originally would have, others may turn back and be prevented from accessing the area they would have previously reached. Physical Loss When an area of marine habitat is changed from sea to e.g. land or freshwater. This will cause birds to no longer use the area. It is possible that if the area is between a colony and a foraging site the changed habitat could act as a barrier in the same way as above. Under the FeAST definition, it does not include a change of one marine habitat type to another marine habitat type. |
Climate change |
For the assessment of marine birds in 2021 this pressure was included. The pressure was divided into six sub-pressures. Five from the MarLIN methodology (Garrard & Tyler-Walters, 2020): sea surface temperature (SST) and air temperature, acidification, sea level rise, storms and waves and freshwater input and salinity. A sixth sub-pressure, indirect – prey, was added to be able to distinguish literature that suggested an indirect impact by climate change on the feature. An overall Tolerance and Sensitivity score for this pressure was assigned. Literature for each sub-pressure were colour coded in the evidence base to ensure the different sub-pressures could be easily separated if required at a later date. |
Micro-plastics and ghost fishing gear |
For the assessment of marine birds in 2021, the issue of micor-plastics and ghost fishing gear were included within the litter pressure. The litter pressure’s justification was updated as: “This pressure can cause direct mortality to birds, or sub-lethal effect leading to reduced fitness. Records of birds ingesting marine litter and records of direct deaths as a result of nest incorporation of litter (mostly ghost-fishing gear) in both adults and chicks. Evidence of ingestion and entanglement in active fishing gear is covered under the ‘Removal of non-target species (lethal)’ pressure. Micro-plastics and ghost fishing gear are included within this pressure.” |
Indirect pressures |
Indirect sensitivity is only applied where there is evidence of sensitivity for the prey or supporting habitat of the feature. The evidence base starts with a clear statement that there is ‘No direct sensitivity’ to the pressure. The evidence base then describes the links / interactions that exist between the pressure and the feature via changes in prey. No high, medium or low score is provided for indirect sensitivity, but the sensitivity score for the prey or supporting habitat to the pressure is provided in the evidence base. For example, ‘FEAST sensitivity assessment for sandeel to this pressure is high’. Evidence is then provided under the ‘reduction in availability or quality of prey’ pressure on the impact that changes in prey has or may have on the marine bird species in question. In instances where the feature is also directly sensitive to the pressure, a score is given to reflect this using the tolerance and recovery scores in the usual way and any indirect sensitivities explained in the evidence base too (but not scored). Whilst there are few examples where any marine bird species is reliant on single prey species, it is not necessarily true that marine birds will thrive eating any prey types in sufficient quantities. Differences in the quality of prey are likely to be as important to marine bird species as the quantity of prey. Consequently, indirect effects are complex and often difficult to assess using the typical sensitivity assessment methodology. In addition, literature may not explicitly provide the links / interactions between the pressure and feature by the prey, in these cases expert judgement is used to decide on the indirect aspect of the pressure. |
Pressures with a terrestrial influence |
For these pressures, the marine focus remains the priority. Evidence is first included for the pressure in terms of marine impacts, but then also any terrestrial impacts to breeding/roosting areas are included. |
More than one sub-pressure under one pressure |
If there is more than one sub-pressure, for example under the non- synthetic compound pressure ‘transition elements and organo-metals’ there may be studies addressing two different heavy metals, then: Use the score with the lowest tolerance across the sub pressure. (i.e. go with the most detrimental sub-pressure). This scoring should be indicated in the notes. [Note: if there is no evidence for other sub-pressures it does not mean automatically that they might not be important] |
Pressure only occurs abroad |
To future proof FeAST, tolerance assessments should be applicable regardless of location. Example: removal of target species (hunting). Depends on legislation of country. Conclusion: even if hunting is not allowed in Scotland at the moment, tolerance should be low unless evidence suggests otherwise. |
Evidence base
Topic / issue |
Methodology / approach & principle applied |
Evidence base structure |
To provide a more user-friendly tool, the current text used in each draft sensitivity assessment has been reviewed and differentiation is made between: Generic text – relevant to all marine birds Guild specific text – (surface feeders, benthic feeders, water-column feeders and/or family i.e. terns, divers) Species specific text – relevant to the named species Where it is legitimate to use similar species as the evidence base for a different species this has also been done. For example, evidence available for Arctic tern is appropriate for using as evidence for common tern but less so for little tern. For additional clarity, all the evidence bases include an additional summary sentence at the bottom stating ‘Tolerance is assessed as x and Recovery as x’. |
More than one piece of evidence per species and pressure |
To come to a joint conclusion on the tolerance to the pressure, the following rules were developed: Evidence with higher confidence levels will have priority. If several pieces of evidence have comparable confidence levels, a precautionary approach should be taken, and the lowest tolerance described between the publications should be used. |
Evidence could fall under different pressures |
Do not include all possible pressures, but mainly the ones immediate to the human induced pressure. Example: algae blooms could be recorded under pathogens, interspecific interaction, climate change, non-synthetic compound. Conclusion: depending on the evidence, e.g. climate change or possibly organic enrichment, if that is mentioned as a cause. |
Keywords |
‘Interspecific interaction’ and ‘Displacement’ for pressures should be included in the literature review part of this contract, additionally to the keywords currently used for the draft assessments. Note: ‘interspecific interaction’ was included as a FeAST pressure but was used in the 2019 assessments as a pressure; this means that in the 2019 assessments that any relevant information will need to be moved from this pressure to another FeAST pressure. E.g. some literature on mammalian predators came under this pressure, which would now need moving to the non-native species pressure. |
Breeding (Br)/non- breeding (NBr) assessments |
2015 draft assessments provided Br and NBr in separate spreadsheets. 2019 draft assessments included a column to indicate which season (Br and/or NBr) the pressure was apparent. Where the pressure was present in both seasons ‘all’ was attributed. It was concluded that most pressures listed in FeAST are exerted during both Br and NBr seasons and therefore as a pragmatic approach the approach used in the 2019 assessments will be adopted for developing the final sensitivity assessments. Seasons should be combined into one assessment spreadsheet and the season when the pressure is acting and attributed as Br/NBr/all with nuances are described within the evidence text. The approach for 2019 assessments were also taken for the 2021 marine bird assessments. |
Annex 7 – Literature included after PSG review
Table A7. Additional literature included in the sensitivity assessments
Pressure |
Species |
Reference |
Barrier to species movement, Collision above water |
Guillemot, Kittiwake, Puffin, Razorbill |
Searle, K.R., Butler, A., Mobbs, D.C., Trinder, M., Waggitt, J., Evans, P. and Daunt, F., 2019. Scottish Waters East Region Regional Sectoral Marine Plan Strategic Ornithology Study: final report. Marine Scotland/SEANSE, CEH Ref: NEC07184 |
Climate Change |
Eider |
Dey, C.J., Semeniuk, C.A., Iverson, S.A., Richardson, E., McGeachy, D. and Gilchrist, H.G., 2018. Forecasting the outcome of multiple effects of climate change on northern common eiders. Biological Conservation, 220, pp.94-103. |
Climate change |
Guillemot and Kittiwake |
Sadykova, D., Scott, B.E., De Dominicis, M., Wakelin, S.L., Wolf, J. and Sadykov, A., 2020. Ecological costs of climate change on marine predator–prey population distributions by 2050. Ecology and evolution, 10(2), pp.1069-1086. |
Climate change, Temperature change |
Great skua |
Oswald, S.A., Bearhop, S., Furness, R.W., Huntley, B. and Hamer, K.C., 2008. Heat stress in a high‐latitude seabird: effects of temperature and food supply on bathing and nest attendance of great skuas Catharacta skua. Journal of Avian Biology, 39(2), pp.163-169. |
Collision below water |
Manx shearwater |
Shoji, A., Dean, B., Kirk, H., Freeman, R., Perrins, C.M. and Guilford, T., 2016. The diving behaviour of the Manx Shearwater Puffinus puffinus. Ibis, 158(3), pp.598-606. |
Light or shading |
European storm petrel |
Miles, W., Money, S., Luxmoore, R. and Furness, R.W., 2010. Effects of artificial lights and moonlight on petrels at St Kilda. Bird Study, 57(2), pp.244-251. |
Non-indigenous species |
European storm petrel |
Ratcliffe, N., Mitchell, I.A.N., Varnham, K., Verboven, N. and Higson, P., 2009. How to prioritize rat management for the benefit of petrels: a case study of the UK, Channel Islands and Isle of Man. Ibis, 151(4), pp.699-708. |
Transition elements and organo-metal contamination |
Common Scoter |
Takekawa, J.Y., Wainwright-De La Cruz, S.E., Hothem, R.L. and Yee, J., 2002. Relating body condition to inorganic contaminant concentrations of diving ducks wintering in coastal California. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 42(1), pp.60-70. |
Transition elements and organo-metal contamination |
Manx shearwater |
Thompson, D.R., Furness, R.W. and Walsh, P.M., 1992. Historical changes in mercury concentrations in the marine ecosystem of the north and north-east Atlantic Ocean as indicated by seabird feathers. Journal of Applied Ecology, pp.79-84. |
Underwater noise |
Great skua |
Cramp, S., Simmons, K.L.E., Brooks, D.C., Collar, N.J., Dunn, E., Gillmor, R., Hollom, P.A.D., Hudson, R., Nicholson, E.M., Ogilvie, M.A. and Olney, P.J.S., 1983. Handbook of the birds of Europe, the Middle East and North Africa. The birds of the Western Palearctic: 3. Waders to gulls. |
Underwater noise |
Common Scoter |
Hansen, K.A., Hernandez, A., Mooney, T.A., Rasmussen, M.H., Sørensen, K. and Wahlberg, M., 2020. The common murre (Uria aalge), an auk seabird, reacts to underwater sound. J. Acoust. Soc. Am, 147, pp.4069-4074. |
Visual disturbance |
Black-headed gull, common gull, herring gull |
Goodship, N. & Furness, R.W. 2019. Seaweed hand-harvesting: literature review of disturbance distances and vulnerabilities of marine and coastal birds. Scottish Natural Heritage Research Report No. 1096. |
Visual disturbance |
Black-throated Diver, Great northern diver, Red-throated diver |
O'Brien, S., Ruffino, L., Lehikoinen, J.P., Lewis, M., Petersen, A., Petersen, I.K., Okill, D., Väisänen, R., Williams, J. and Williams, S., 2018. Red-Throated Diver Energetics Project: 2018 Field Season Report. |
Water clarity changes |
Velvet scoter |
Wilson, B., Batty, R.S., Daunt, F. and Carter, C., 2006. Collision risks between marine renewable energy devices and mammals, fish and diving birds: Report to the Scottish executive. |
Annex 8 – Addition of emergence regime as indirect pressure for future assessments
From the Sensitivity Assessments of marine birds undertaken by APEM in 2021, emergence regime changes was included as an indirect pressure after the literature searches and assessments provided evidence that the pressure acted indirectly for all species. The authors recommend that it is included as an indirect pressure for future assessments.
Table A8. Recommendation for inclusion of emergence regime changes as an indirect pressure.
Pressure name |
Surface feeders |
Water column feeders |
Benthic feeders |
Justification |
Emergence regime changes |
Change to prey |
Change to prey |
Change to prey |
NO DIRECT EFFECTS. This pressure may only indirectly affect the feature under consideration through effects on the feature’s supporting habitat. Changes in water levels may reduce the intertidal zone (and the associated/dependent habitats) by changing either the spatial area and or duration of immersion/exposure during tidal cycles. Changes in tidal flushing can change sediment dynamics that may lead to changing patterns of deposition and erosion and extent of tidal immersion. Impacts include reduced habitats, resources, and feeding times, exposure, desiccation. |
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