Glasdrum Wood NNR - About the reserve

Glasdrum Wood is a tranquil fragment of ancient woodland, where rare butterflies can be seen in open glades.



​Managing habitats and inspiring people

Glasdrum Wood NNR is a remnant of the specialist ancient oakwoods of the west coast of Scotland. Situated on the shores of Loch Creran, Glasdrum is the best part of more extensive woodland stretching through Glen Creran. The reserve extends into the open ground on the slopes above.

Woodland habitats

Our management focus is on maintaining and improving the mosaic of woodland and glades found at Glasdrum. In the woodland areas we encourage regeneration of native trees – but we balance this by keeping open glades. The glades are where the many invertebrates, bryophytes, mosses and lichens that make these woodlands special thrive.

We keep the glades open by brashing bracken to control its spread. We also allow light to reach the ground flora by occasionally removing areas of dense regenerating trees and shrubs. We also control the spread of rhododendron and other invasive species. Fortunately, these only occasionally encroach on the reserve.

Engaging people with nature

Our visitor facilities at Glasdrum are minimal, and we believe they’re appropriate for the level of use the reserve gets. We maintain a car park and a circular path through the woodland. This provides access to the reserve and takes people through the main points of interest. The route has excellent viewpoints across Loch Creran. There is an information panel with a map in the car park.

Management planning

We plan our management carefully to make sure that the special qualities of the reserve thrive. In this way it will always give visitors an enjoyable experience and engage people with nature.

We produce 10-year management plans for our reserves. Find out more about how we manage Glasdrum NNR:

  • The Management Plan - sets out our priorities and tasks for managing the reserve between 2013 and 2023.
  • The Reserve Story – an introduction to the natural heritage, historical interest, past management and designations which protect the reserve.

Protected areas

Glasdrum Wood NNR overlaps with several protected areas, including:

Find out more about these protected areas and their designated features by searching the map.

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