30 by 30 and Nature Networks - Conceptboard guidance
During the 30x30 and Nature Networks co-design workshops we will be using the virtual workshopping tool conceptboard. This tool is similar to other platforms such as Miro, Mural and MS Whiteboard. To ensure we make the most of the workshops we want all participants to feel familiar and comfortable using the tool before the workshop.
Below are some instructions to conduct the basic tasks that you will utilize at the workshop. We have set up a tester page on the conceptboard for you to practice on. Please use this board to play with the functions to get used to how conceptboard works. Please spend 10 mins following this step by step before the workshop. There is also a video of the steps at the bottom of the page.
Task 1: Access Conceptboard
- Click on this link to go to conceptboard. The board is titled ‘Abi 3’
- Click ‘Guest access’
- Please read the privacy policy if you have any concerns
- Enter your name and click ‘Access as guest’
Task 2: Navigate around conceptboard
To imitate what it will be like at the workshop, on entry to the conceptboard there are a number of areas in which workshop activity is underway.
- You need to find the correct space to work in. Navigate around the board until you find the section titled "Stakeholder practice page", within the "Practice Zone".
- To do this you will need to zoom in and out of the board. There are 3 ways you can do this;
- using the navigation box in the bottom left, play around with the minus and plus symbols, or the magnifying glass button.
- ‘pinching’ your laptop touch pad
- Hover your cursor over the area you want to zoom into and use the scroll wheel on your mouse (if you find this is causing you to go up and down the page, rather than zooming, try holding the ‘ctrl’ key on your keyboard while using the scroll wheel on your mouse)
- You may also need to drag yourself around the board. To do this, make sure you have the ‘hand’ tool selected, by clicking on the hand icon on the top menu bar. Then click and drag the screen around, going left, right, up and down.
Task 3: Add a sticky note
Once you have found the correct section on the page, you need to add a sticky note with your name.
- Click the sticky note button on the top menu, your cursor will change to a ‘+’
- Then click where on the conceptboard you’ll like to put your sticky note
- Then type your name
- You can also change the colour of your sticky note. To do this click off your sticky note (by clicking anywhere on the screen) and then click on your sticky note. The pop-up menu will now show what colour your sticky note currently is. Click on this and change the colour of your sticky note.
- You can also move your sticky note. Do this by clicking on the sticky note and dragging it to another place on the conceptboard.
Task 4: Add a second sticky note
Adding sticky notes will be the primary way in which you contribute to the conceptboard during the workshop. So to practice, add another sticky note, this time telling us where you are based.
- Try adding a sticky note without the instructions, or follow the steps for task 3 again, to add a second stick note. Type your location into the second sticky note.
Task 5: connect your sticky notes
It’s possible that in the workshop you want to write a sticky note that relates to another one on the board. Conceptboard allows you to connect sticky notes using lines and arrows. Practice this by connecting your two sticky notes.
- Click the line button on the top menu. It will give you the option to select an arrow head. Your cursor will again have changed to a ‘+’. You will also notice that there are now red dots on the four sides of the sticky notes.
- Click on a red dot on the first sticky note and drag the arrow to a red dot on the second sticky note. This has now linked the two sticky notes with an arrow. Test this out by clicking and dragging one of the sticky notes to a new place on the board. The arrow should move with the sticky note, keeping the two linked. If it does not, it means you didn’t connect the arrow to the red dot. Try again by clicking on the arrow and dragging it to a red dot.
To delete
If you want to remove an item on conceptboard, such as a sticky note or arrow, you can delete them by clicking on the item and hitting the ‘Delete’ key on your keyboard. Alternatively, right click on the item and click delete from the menu that appears.
To undo/redo
If you want to undo a deletion or adding of an item you can do this by going to the arrows in the top left corner.
Short video detailing the basics of using Conceptboard