A' Ghàidhlig aig NàdarAlba / Gaelic within NatureScot

Tha dlùth-cheangal ann eadar nàdar na h-Alba agus a' Ghàidhlig, leis a' chànan a' toirt dhuinn lèirsinn 's tuigse air leth air an t-saoghal mun cuairt oirnn. Airson an tuilleadh fiosrachaidh air an obair a bhios NàdarAlba a' dèanamh airson a' Ghàidhlig a chleachdadh, a bhrosnachadh 's a leasachadh, cuiribh brath gu [email protected]

There is an enduring bond between Scotland's nature and Gaelic, with the language providing a unique insight and understanding of the world around us. For more information about NatureScot's work to use, promote and development Gaelic, please email [email protected]